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Church of England Primary School

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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Home Learning

Date Set: Friday 16th July

Date Due: Friday 23rd July

Next week each day will be centred around a different theme. Your Home Learning Challenges are all linked to one of our themed days.

S- Sports Activities/ Transition Day

T- Talent Show

A- Art Attack

R- Raise Money and Bounce

S- Summer Starts- Wear your holiday gear!







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Physical Maths

Theme: S- Sports Activities!


You will need:

A ball and a stopwatch


Set your stopwatch for one minute and see how many times you can catch a ball.


Theme: R- Raise Money and Bounce!

You could get practising for Thursday’s bounce! Set your timer for three minutes. Can you reach your target amount of bounces?

10 minutes

Monday- Sports Activities


Thursday- Raise Money and Bounce!


Fine Motor Drawing

On Wednesday we will be spending time being creative with Art resources.


Follow the link below to create a drawing of a Minibeast:





20 minutes



Wednesday- Art Attack!

Talent Show

Theme: T-Talent show!

What’s your talent? Is it singing, dancing, telling jokes or even juggling? Spend time this weekend practicing your chosen talent, ready for our class Talent Show on Tuesday!

15 minutes




Tuesday- Talent Show!

Date Set: Friday 9th July

Date Due: Friday 16th July 2021







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Maths recap

Addition- Complete the colour by numbers addition activity

Sharing- Complete the sharing minibeasts activity. You will need to use some objects to help you share equally.

15 minutes

This week we have been recapping our knowledge of sharing a given amount



Log on to Classroom Secrets Kids where I have added some games for you to play to help with your Phonics learning.


Choose at least 2 games to play or Learning videos to watch.



15 minutes



We are learning to become fluent with our phonics and reading.



See the technology questionnaire that I have sent home in book bags. Please complete and return this by next Friday.

Help your child to upload a photograph of them using a tablet/ laptop to their Tapestry profile.

15 minutes




We have enjoyed exploring the iPads this week.

Date Set: Friday 2nd July 2021

Date Due: Friday 9th July 2021







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Number Bonds to ten

After exploring number bonds to ten yesterday, I’d like you to explore this again using objects to support your understanding.

Use this part-part whole model to help you find ways of making ten. You will need ten small objects (pieces of pasta, buttons, lego). Place the ten objects in the Whole, at the top, and share different amounts into the two parts.

Write the addition calculation to go with your part-whole model.

For example 8 + 2 = 10


15 minutes

This week we have been recapping our knowledge of number bonds to ten



Log on to Classroom Secrets Kids where I have added some games for you to play to help with your Phonics learning.


Choose at least 2 games to play or Learning videos to watch.



15 minutes



We are learning to become fluent with our phonics and reading.



We have enjoyed going on a Minibeast hunt this week! Why don’t you have a hunt in your garden to see what minibeasts are hiding. I have put this sheet in your Home Learning books.


Have you got any story books at home about minibeasts? Have a look and enjoy reading them with your family members.


15 minutes




We are learning to become fluent with our phonics and reading.

Date Set: Friday 25th June 2021

Date Due: Friday 2nd July 2021







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Halving and Sharing

Play the games of Classroom Secrets Kids to consolidate your understanding of how to share and halve a number.


10 minutes

This week we have been recapping our knowledge of sharing an amount between 2.


Talk for Writing Model Text

We have enjoyed retelling a version of the story ‘Farmer Duck’. I have put a copy of the text map in all children’s books, along with the words (for parent’s!) Spend time practising the story with actions.




15 minutes


We are learning to retell the story of Farmer Duck.  



Log on to Classroom Secrets Kids where I had added some games for you to play to help with your Phonics learning.


Choose at least 2 games to play or Learning videos to watch.



15 minutes




We are learning to become fluent with our phonics and reading.

Date Set: Friday 18th June 2021

Date Due: Friday 25th June 2021







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



We have been learning to count in 2’s and 10’s. Have fun joining in with these songs at home:


Counting in twos

Counting in tens


10 minutes

This week we have been counting in twos and tens!


Farmer Duck

The children have shown an interest in Farms this week. We have read the story ‘Farmer Duck’ by Martin Wadell.


Follow this link to listen to the story.


Use your Homework Books to write a list of animals that live on a farm. Use your Phonics to help you!




15 minutes


We are learning to become more independent in writing.


Topic: My Local Area

Use resources around your home to create a model of a building in your village. It could be the village shop, the church, or the park! You could choose to use your recycling (junk modelling) or building blocks/ Lego! I look forward to seeing your fabulous creations! Take a photograph and upload it to Tapestry.

15 minutes

This week we went on a trip around Barwick-in-Elmet using Google Maps. The children have been busy helping to design a model village for Barwick-in-Elmet and have each created a different building from the village.

Date Set: Friday 11th June 2021

Date Set: Friday 11th June 2021

Date Due: Friday 18th June 2021






What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Take Away calculations

We have been recapping our knowledge and understanding of ‘take away’ this week. Complete the two activities I have added to your Classroom Secrets Kids account.


10 minutes

This week we have been recapping our knowledge and understanding of ‘take away’.


Local Area

In this week’s topic session, we started to think about our Local Area. We talked about the different type of houses we live in (bungalow, flat, detached, semi-detached etc) and identified what type of house we all live in. Go on a short walk around your Local Area. Choose 2 things you saw on your walk to complete the sheet in your Homework books. Use the boxes to draw a picture and orally rehearse your sentence. Use the lines to write your sentence down. Don’t forget to use your Phonics!




15 minutes


We are learning to become more independent in writing.



Complete the Phonics activity I have added to your Home Learning books. All sheets are tailored to individual Phonics gaps.



Don’t forget to spend time reading your new Reading Books. There are also lots of different books for you to read on Reading Planet.

10 minutes







10 minutes



We are learning to become fluent with our phonics and reading.

Date Set: Friday 21st May 2021

Date Due: Friday 28th May 2021







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Dinosaur Size

In your Home Learning books, you will find a dinosaur sheet. Cut out the dinosaurs and order them by size.


There are also a few games on Classroom Secrets Kids, if you would like to play these.

15 minutes

This week we have recapped our understanding of size.


Reading Comprehension

Complete the Reading Comprehension activity that it is in your Homework book.





15 minutes


We are learning to become more independent in Reading.



In your Home Learning Books, you will find a Phonics worksheet. This has been generated following Thursday’s phonics assessment. The sheet focuses on a sound that your child needs to practice.  


15 minutes

We are continuing to practice our Phase 3 sounds.

Date Set: Friday 14th May 2021

Date Due: Friday 21st May 2021







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Odds and Even

In your homework books, you will find a Maths activity sheet for you to complete. Decide if the ladybirds have an odd amount of spots or an even amount of spots. Remember, odd means a number can’t be shared between two. You may want to use objects to help you e.g. if a ladybird had 5 spots, see if you can share 5 pieces of pasta between 2.


10 minutes

This week we have been learning to identify odd and even numbers.


Diary Entry

In your homework books, write a few sentences to tell me what you have done at the weekend. you may start with ‘On Saturday I…” or “At the weekend…”

Draw and colour a picture to go with your writing.




15 minutes


We are learning to become more independent in writing.



Don’t forget to spend time reading your reading books! I have also uploaded lots of books to your Reading Planet accounts.


Capital Letters

We are learning to write capital letters. Complete the sheet that I have added to your Homework books.



10 minutes





10 minutes

We are learning to write capital letters

Date Set: Friday 7th May 2021

Date Due: Friday 14th May 2021







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



Practical Maths- For this activity you will need two teddies and lots of small objects e.g. raisins, pasta, buttons.

Share the following amounts between your two teddies. Identify how many each teddy has. Remember- when we are sharing an amount, each teddy must have the same amount.


How many does each teddy have when you share these amounts between two; 4, 6, 10, 12.


Can you share these amounts between 2 teddies: 5, 7, 11? Does each teddy have the same amount? Why not?


10 minutes

This week we have been learning to share given amount equally between 2.



Label the Dinosaur

Use the phonics sounds we have learnt so far to label the dinosaur.




15 minutes


We are learning to become more independent in writing.


Phonics Sound Mat

In your Home Learning Books, you will find a sound mat. Practise speed-reading these sounds.


10 minutes

These are all the sounds we have learnt so far.

Date Set: Friday 30th April 2021

Date Due: Friday 7th May 2021







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Doubling and Sharing

Choose one of the games I have assigned to you on Classroom Secrets Kids.

10 minutes

This week we have been learning to share given amounts equally between 2.


Sentence Writing

Write a sentence about the dinosaur picture in your Homework Books.



15 minutes


We are learning to become more independent at sentence writing.


Phonics: igh

Watch the following video to recap:

Ask an adult to say the words, have a go and independently writing the words:

Light, night, fight, high, flight.

Can you think of anymore?


Learning Challenge: Write a sentence containing one of the words above.

10 minutes

This week we have been recapping our understanding of the phoneme ‘igh’

Date Set: Friday 23rd March 2021

Date Due: Friday 30th March 2021







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



Watch the video to sing along to the doubles:


Complete the doubles addition sheet in your Homework books.


10 minutes

This week we have learnt all about 17.



Watch the number 19 episode of NumberBlocks.


Can you use small objects from around your home to practise counting up to 19. You could use lego, pasta, buttons etc.


5 minutes

Next week we will learn to identify the number 19.


Talk for Writing

In your Homework Books, you will find our Text Map for The Little Green Dinosaur.

Practise telling the story to a member of your family.




15 minutes


We have been learning to retell the story of ‘The Little Green Dinosaur.’


Tricky Words

Join in with the Tricky Words song:


Choose one word that you are unsure of and practise writing it three times in your homework book.


10 minutes

We are continuing to learn our Phase 3 tricky words.

Date Set: Friday 1st April - Easter Home Learning Tasks 







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



Number Formation

Click here to practise your number formation with the NumberBlocks.


Easter Maths

You will find a number of Easter themed maths sheets in your Easter bags. Choose at least one to complete!


10 mins




15 Mins





Practise your number formation!






Phonics sounds

Try to spend time over the Easter period to practise phase 2 and phase 3 sounds. You will find a Sound Mat in your Easter Bags


High Frequency Words

Last week I sent you all home with an individual list of words to practise. Continue to practise reading and writing these words.


Phonics Mosaic

Complete the Mosaic activity sheet in your Easter Bags. What picture did it make?




30 mins



These activities will help to build fluency in both Reading and Writing.


Reading Planet

Choose at least two books on your Reading Planet account to read over the Easter Period.


30 minutes

You all have access to online reading books via Reading Planet. If you have not yet logged into this, you will find you log in detail on your school email account. I emailed these out to everyone during our Remote Learning period.

Date Set: Friday 26th March 2021

Date Due: Thursday 1st April 2021







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



Watch the number 18 episode of NumberBlocks.



See if you can find any 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins around your home.

Login to your Classroom Secrets Kids account to play one of the money games I have assigned to your account.


10 mins




15 Mins





This week we have learnt all about 18.




This week we have started to learn about Money. Next week we will be adding money together.



High Frequency Words

In your Homework Books and Planners, I have added some words that I would like you to practise reading. These are words I’d like you to learn to speeds read.

They are personalised to each child, based on their reading assessment, completed this week




15 mins



High Frequency Words, also known as sight words, are words that occur frequently in reading books. They help to build and develop reading fluency. Some HFWs can be sounded out, whilst others can’t (also knows as red tricky words).



Go for a walk with a grown-up and look out for any signs of Spring. Draw a picture of any signs of Spring you notice and upload it to Tapestry.

20 minutes

We have been learning about Spring during our Topic sessions. We have started to identify the name of baby animals.

Date Set: Friday 19th March 2021

Date Due: Friday 26th March 2021







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



Watch the number 17 episode of NumberBlocks.


Practise counting forwards and backwards to 17 using different actions.


10 mins

This week we have learnt all about 17.


Talk for Writing

In your Homework Books, you will find our Text Map for The Enormous Turnip. Practise telling the story to a member of your family.

You will also find a video of our story on Tapestry.



15 mins



We have been learning to retell the story of ‘The Enormous Turnip’



In your Homework Books, I have printed out the sounds that each child is unsure of, following our recent Phonics assessment. Try to spend 5 minutes each day practising the sounds.


20 minutes

This week we are continuing to learn our Phase 2 and 3 Phonics sounds.

Date Set: Friday 11th December 2020

Date Due: Friday 18th December 2020  







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



Can you remember the names of these shapes?



5 mins

Next week we will recap our learning of shapes  


3D Shapes

Listen to the song below to learn about the names of 3D shapes. See if you can find any 3D shapes in and around your home.


15 mins

Next week we will begin to name and identify 3D shapes.



Look at the comic below and have a go at reading the sentences to review the sounds z, y and qu.




15 mins



This week we have learnt to read and write the ‘qu’ phoneme.

Being Independent

Continue to practise zipping up you own coat. If you have buttons, practise fastening your buttons, too.

Every time you put your coat on.

We are continuing to work on putting our own coats on.

Date Set: Friday 4th December 2020

Date Due: Friday 11th December







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Join in with singing ‘ten green bottles’.

10 minutes


This week we have been thinking about finding one less.



Try to read your reading book twice this weekend!



15 mins



This week we have been practising out Phase 2 and 3 sounds.


Discuss with a grown-up ways in which you celebrate Christmas.

What is Christmas?

How do you celebrate Christmas?

Why do we celebrate Christmas?

What does ‘Nativity’ mean?


Read the Nativity story (I have added a simple version in the resources file) and discuss.


15 minutes

Over the next two weeks we will be learning all about the Nativity Story.

Date Set: Friday 13th November 2020

Date Due: Friday 20th November 2020







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Watch the following NumberBlocks episode to recap your learning of adding one:


Login to your Classroom Secrets Kids account and choose the ‘Reception one more game 0-10’

Follow the link to login:

15 minutes


This week we have been thinking about adding one more to a given number 0-10


Your login is in your planner.



In your Reading Wallet you will find the Text Map for ‘Bear Hunt’. Practise telling the story with the actions we have learnt in class. You could act it out to your family members!



10 mins



This week, we have been learning to retell the story: ‘Bear Hunt’ during our Talk for Writing sessions


Go on an Autumn Hunt around your local area. What signs of Autumn can you find? How do you know it is Autumn?


 Collect some Autumn resources that you find and use them to create a picture. You may choose to create leaf rubbings or a leaf collage!

20 minutes

This week we have been thinking about signs of Autumn. We have been on an Autumn Treasure Hunt and have used leaves to create pictures and crowns!  

Date Set: Friday 6th November 2020

Date Due: Friday 13th November 2020







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Login to your Classroom Secrets Kids account and choose one of the games I have assigned for you. The games are all about Positional Language


Follow the link to login:

15 mins

This week we have been thinking about positional language.


Your login is in your planner.


Watch Michael Rosen tell the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt!’ Discuss the story with a family member.

What is your favourite part?

Would you like to go on a bear hunt?



10 mins



This week, we have introduced our new Talk for Writing Text- ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen.


Create your own Poppy window display at home!

20 minutes

This week we have created, decorated and designed Poppies in preparation for Remembrance Day.

Being Independent

Learn to use your knife and fork when eating your lunch and dinner at home.

Every meal time

This week we have been focusing on using a knife and fork at lunchtime in the school hall.  

Date Set: Friday 23rd October 2020- Half Term Home Learning 







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


This week we have watched the NumberBlock episode ‘Stampolines’. You can watch it again here:


Use blocks or Lego bricks to have a go at making different arrangements with amounts to 5, just like the NumberBlocks in the episode. You could print your blocks in paint to make pictures.


Try having a go at making other amounts to 5.


Can you write the numbers 1 to 5 in order? Have a go at writing the digits correctly.

20 mins












This week, we have been recapping numbers 1 to 5.










Have a go at writing the graphemes we have learnt this week using the following rhymes:


o- all around the orange

c- curl around the caterpillar

k- down the kangaroo’s body, curl its tail and kick the leg.


If you are unsure of the phonemes we have learnt this week, you could join in with the online Phonics lesson to review our Phonics learning:



20 mins



This week, we have learnt to read and write; o, c, k  

Classroom Secrets Kids!

Login to your Classroom Secrets Kids account and choose one of the games I have assigned for you. The games are all about 2D Shapes.


Follow the link to login:


10 mins


We have launched Classroom Secrets Kids this week. Your login is in your planner in the ‘spelling section’ for this week.


Date Set: Friday 16th October 2020

Date Due: Friday 23rd October 2020






What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Watch the Numberblocks to learn all about the number five:


Identifying 2D shapes in the environment.

Go on a Shape Hunt either in your home or outside. See if you can find any triangles, squares, rectangles and circles. You may even see pentagons, ovals or hexagons!

Think about the shape of road signs, your front door, or even the shape of your plates!


5 mins







10 mins






This week, we have been learning to find, identify and represent the number five.





This week we have learnt to name and identify 2D shapes







Practise writing our phonics graphemes. You could use this video to remind you of letter formation:





10 mins



This week, we have learnt to read and write; m, d and g.


Enjoy listening to another Supertato story!


5 mins


We have enjoyed reading Supertato stories! We have also created our own stories using the Supertato characters.


Date Set: Friday 9th October 2020

Date Due: Friday 16th October 2020






What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Watch the Numberblocks to learn all about the number four.


Use the interactive ten frame on this website to practise making and identifying amounts:


Alternatively, print the ten frame in the ‘resources’ file.



5 mins













This week, we have been learning to find, identify and represent the number four.





This week we have used ten frames to create different amounts.







Can you find objects around your home that begin with these phonemes:

s, a, t, p, i, n


Challenge: You could also make signs for your objects by writing the initial sound on a piece of paper.



10 mins



This week, we have identified the initial sounds in words and objects.

Being Independent

Practise putting on and zipping up your coat. Can you do it independently? Can you pull the sleeves out if your coat is inside out?


5 mins


We are learning to put our coats on independently.





Date Set: Friday 2nd October 2020

Date Due: Friday 9th October 2020

Please note: Reception will receive their Home Learning books in a few weeks. Please feel free to take photos of your child’s Home Learning and upload them to Tapestry, once it is up and running.







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Watch the Numberblocks to learn all about the number three.


Practise writing the numbers 1, 2 and 3. You could use:

pencils, felt tip pens, paint, water and paintbrushes on tarmac, chalk on tarmac or have a go at mark making in flour!

10 mins

This week, we have been learning to find, identify and represent the number three.


Play ‘The Gingerbread Man Game’ on Topmarks. Choose ‘counting’ then ‘How many- 1 to 10) to practise counting a given amount to ten.

10 mins

Next week, we will practise counting a given amount.



Play ‘I Spy’ with a family member. You could play it in the car or at home.

See if you can find anything that begins with the phoneme ‘S’.



5 mins



This week, we have been playing I Spy as a class to identify the initial sounds in words.  

Just for Fun!

If you created a superhero cape and mask, try it on and show one of your family members. Tell them all about your super powers and your superhero name!


5 mins


We have been busy creating superhero masks and capes!

Date Set: Friday 25th September 2020

Date Due: Friday 2nd October 2020


Please note: Reception will receive their Home Learning books in a few weeks. Please feel free to take photos of your child’s Home Learning and upload them to Tapestry, once it is up and running.











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Watch the NumberBlocks episode to consolidate your understanding of the number 2.


Can you find different ways to represent the number 2? What objects can you find around your house? Can you find two cars or two teddies? Can you find 2 on a dice?


15 mins

This week, we have been learning to find, identify and write the number 2.


Can you think of 3 words that rhyme with each of these words: 

pig, dog, fish, boat 


Which is the odd one out? 

hat, cat, man, sat, pat 


5 minutes

This week we have been learning to identify rhyming words.

Date Set: Friday 18th September 2020

Date Due: Friday 25th September


Please note: Reception will receive their Home Learning books in a few weeks. Please feel free to take photos of your child’s Home Learning and upload them to Tapestry, once it is up and running.







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Watch the Numberblocks to learn all about the number one.


In this episode a block falls out of the sky, meets its numberling and discovers one wonderful world.


5 mins

This week, we have been learning to find, identify and represent the number one.


Watch the Numberblocks to learn what happens when one more is added to one.  Meet the number two!



5 mins

Next week, we will learn about the number two.



Go on a Listening Walk with a family member. Think about what sounds you can hear in the environment.

Don’t forget to turn your listening ears on!



10 mins



This week, we have been tuning into sounds. We have been listening carefully to environment sounds and the sounds musical instruments make.



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