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Makaton (sign of the week)

Makaton in Nursery


Makaton is a language programme that uses signs and symbols to help people to communicate. It is designed to support spoken language and the signs and symbols are used with speech, in spoken word order.


In Nursery, we use Makaton signs to support our learning in all areas of the curriculum. Signs help us to learn new vocabulary and to remember daily routines. From Autumn 2, we will share a new sign here every week so that you can join in at home. 

Summer 2, Week 7: Football

Nursery played football with Mr Smith on Football Friday!

Summer 2, Week 6: There's a Spider on the Floor

This is a great minibeast song from Singing Hands!

Summer 2, Week 5: "What the Ladybird Heard" (Makanory)

We have enjoyed reading Julia Donaldson's "What the Ladybird Heard" in Nursery as we learned about ladybirds this week. Here is a video of the story being retold with Makaton. How many of the animal signs do you know?

Summer 2, Week 4: Little Peter Rabbit

Can you find another minibeast sign in this video?

Summer 2, Week 3: Caterpillar

Summer 2, Week 2 - Snail

Another minibeast sign!

Summer 2, Week1 - Butterfly

Summer 1, Week 6 - Elephant

Overheard in Nursery:
"You're not allowed to travel by elephant in Barwick."
"No - only in India."
"And maybe Africa... They have elephants in Africa, you know."

Summer 1, Week 5: Aeroplane

Summer 1, Week 4: HOT AIR BALLOON - in Makaton

We have been reading 'The Great Balloon Hullaballoo' this week. Here is the sign for hot air balloon.

Summer 1, Week 3: Singing Hands: The Wheels on the Bus

Summer 1, Week 2 - Bus

Summer 1, Week 1 - sun lotion


Singing hands remind us to protect ourselves from the sun!

Spring 2, Week 6: Five Little Easter Eggs Nursery Rhyme by Singing Hands

Here's a lovely little seasonal rhyme for Easter which practises counting and subtraction skills and teaches the Makaton sign for EASTER EGG plus signs for colours and family members! Happy Easter!

Spring 2, Week 5 - World Down Syndrome Day

Sign of the Week - to dance

Sign of the Week - Butterfly

Sign of the Week - Grandma

Spring 2, Week 1 - Book

Spring 1, Week 6


Spring 1, Week 5 - Now, later and next

Spring 1, Week 4 - Question words

Here are some useful question words we need in conversation - WHO / WHAT / WHEN / WHERE / WHY?
What questions will you be asking today?

Spring 1, Week 3 - Shark

Some of our children are especially interested in whales and sharks at the moment. Here is the sign for shark.

Spring 1, Week 2 - Row, row, row your boat

Can you spot one of our favourite arctic animals in this video? Can you sing the song?

Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Autumn 2, Week 6: Jesus, Mary and Joseph

Autumn 2, Week 5: Winter

Autumn 2, Week 4: Autumn

We have been talking so much about changes we see between Autumn and Winter, it's about time we practised the sign for Autumn!

Autumn 2, Week 3: Hedgehog

We have talking about hibernation and reading stories about animals who sleep through the long, cold Winter. We have also been making hedgehogs with playdough and craft sticks! Our sign of the week is 'hedgehog'.

Autumn 2, Week 2: Snail

The children spotted a snail in the meadow when we read "Squirrel's Autumn Search" this week. Everyone loves the sign for snail!

Autumn 2, Week 1: Today, tomorrow and yesterday

Sign of the week: 

After the weather we've had the last few days, this seems like the perfect place to start with our new collection of signs!


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