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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Year 3 - Mulberry

Update 20.7.18

What an exciting week we have had! Year 3 did a fantastic job when singing and dancing to 'Food Glorious Food' in the school production. Thank you to all of the children for their hard work and to parents for their support with the late finishes.

Today, we have also had a fantastic time! Football Friday was lots of fun!

Update 13.7.18

Thank you to all of the parents that attended our transition parents' evening this week It was great to share such a positive set of reports with you all. 


I shared tips for how to help your children transition into Year 4 on each report. It’s important for children to rest and recharge over the summer holidays. But whether you’re taking a trip or staying home, there are lots of ways you can encourage your child to practise their reading, writing and communication skills over the long break. This will help children boost their literacy skills over the holidays, and prevent the learning loss that can happen when they’re not at school.


There are also countless opportunities to incorporate maths into the summer break. Here are some tips for parents that may prove useful:


Update 6.7.18

This week, we have continued our study of the Stone Age by looking at what archaeologists discovered at Skara Brae. We have also completed our work on our class text 'Quest'. A YouTube video of a telling of this wonderful picture book can be found here: 


In P.E. this week, we completed our unit on athletics by competing in a mini Olympics! Everyone competed extremely well and showed great support for others. 

The long distance race.

Update 29.6.18. Last half-term, we looked at democracy as part of our work on Ancient Greece. This morning, we welcomed Councillor Robinson of Leeds City Council to discuss his role as an elected member of local government. The children shared their thoughts on how we can make the world a better place and presented Councillor Robinson with their persuasive letters which we hope will have an impact on our area. Thank you Councillor Robinson for such an interesting visit!

This week, we have continued our work on the Stone Age. In our text 'Stone Age Boy', the main character is shown some cave paintings of animals. We used shading techniques to draw our own pictures of a wild boar with excellent results!



Happy upcoming father's day to all the dads of Mulberry class children!


This week we have worked extremely hard on our problem solving skills in maths. We have also delved further into the world of Kevin the stone age boy.

This week, the class started an exciting new PSHE block with Mrs Nicholson. The activity focused on the importance of teamwork. As you can see, it was a lot of fun!

Update 25.5.18


We have had a busy last week of the half-term in Mulberry!


Following our work on the origins of democracy in Ancient Athens, we decided that we would put our own rights as citizens of a modern democratic country to good use! We have drafted persuasive letters aimed at persuading the local council or the national government to take action about a variety of issues. The children worked fantastically well in generating their own ideas of things that they thought needed changing around the country. These included a complete smoking ban and the building of more shelters for homeless people!


We have also arranged for a local councillor to come in and speak to the children about his job at the start of next half-term. Watch this space to find out what we learn from him!

This week, we wanted to take advantage of the nice weather to combine some Maths, History and P.E. outside. We set up the dimensions of the Ancient Greek Olympic stadium in Olympia, then reenacted the running races they would have participated in. This included a race carrying a sword and shield!

Update 11.5.18 It took a little longer than expected, but the predicted result of our experiment is now in! Sadly, Plant B has been unable to produce food as without leaves it can not engage in the process of photosynthesis! We wrote some interesting diary entries from the perspective of the 2 plants as a way of demonstrating our knowledge of photosynthesis.

Update 4.5.18


Year 3 have enjoyed a fantastic day today! 


Before lunchtime, we made our way into the village to see the Tour de Yorkshire ride past. Excitement was at fever pitch as a series of police motorbikes sped through, taking it in turns to block the roads. Eventually, a lone rider came past, fighting to stay in the lead. She was followed shortly after by the peloton. This was a sea of colours representing the different cycle teams. 


It was a fantastic experience to see this event coming through the wonderful village of Barwick-in-Elmet!


Update 27.4.18 This week, we were visited by a man from Ancient Greece! In a very exciting morning, we were given a brief history of Ancient Greece and even looked at some artifacts that were over 2000 years old!

Update 20.4.18 This week, we are conducting an experiment to see if plants need leaves to survive. To make sure it is a fair test, we are giving each plant the same amount of light, water and heat. The only thing we have changed is the leaves which we have removed from one of the plants. We will measure the height of the plants at the end of the week to see if there has been a change. What do you think will happen?

Before we did this, we went on a hunt for different plants around the school.

Update 29.3.18

Happy Easter from everyone in Mulberry class!

We have been hard at work making Easter cards today which all look fantastic!

Earlier in the week, several parents came in to class to talk about the different jobs that they do. The children loved hearing about the different opportunities that will be available to them when they get older, so thank you very much to the parents that came in. 


The Mulberry teaching team look forward to seeing you all after a well earned Easter break!

We have been dissecting plants this week! In a very interesting lesson, we pulled apart the different parts of a daffodil and learnt about what their functions were.

9.3.18 In Mulberry, we are counting our blessings. As mother's day approaches, we have been thinking about things that we are thankful for. We invite all children to bring more pictures of things they are grateful for having in their lives.

2.3.18 We have been creating some artwork today inspired by James and the Giant Peach. Next week we will create stories with our adapted titles.

Update 26.2.18 Our class are taking part in the Leeds Book Awards!

6.2.18 Today, on safer internet day, the class have been working hard to think about how to stay safe online.

2.2.18 Spooky stories and explosions!

This week, we have re-enacted the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii. We used vinegar, baking powder and washing up liquid to make our volcano erupt. We filmed it all for our documentary on volcanoes!

We have also finished reading our class book entitled 'Storm'. We are now working on our own spooky stories. All of our stories will feature a person that needs shelter from a storm. The rest is up to our spooky imaginations!

Update 26.1.18


This week, we took an interesting trip to All Saints church. 


Reverend Nicholson showed us the different ways that art is used in the church, and even dressed some of our taller children in his robes as he explained the meaning behind their symbols. 

R.E. trip to All Saints church

Active Learning! 19.1.18

This week, lots of exciting things have been afoot!

As a class, we are getting used to going swimming three times a week! The lessons have been a lot of fun, with lots of progress made already!

We have also been working on some short active learning sessions that get our bodies working at the same time as our minds. 

The picture below shows a game we played where each team had to run to the other end of the hall after adding the correct amount of money together. 

Volcanoes! 11.1.18

This week, we have been looking at volcanoes! The children have come up with some amazing descriptions of an eruption. We have been inspired by 'The Pebble in my Pocket', a text that we are reading, and video footage of real eruptions.

Happy New Year!

The children have come back this week with lots of positive mental attitude as we continue our learning journey!


There are lots of exciting things afoot this half-term. Parents should have received a letter detailing our trips to John Smeaton swimming pool. We will be swimming on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays each week until Easter. 


This week we have studied a poem entitled 'The Storm'. We have written our own versions that feature a similar metaphor, using an animal to represent the storm. You can read the original version below.


The Storm

The storm is a stampeding rhino,

Dangerous and destructive.

It charges and hurtles across the landscape,

Like a gigantic, crumpled, grey bulldozer.

The air rumbles with the sound of its stamping feet,

It slashes the air and rips down trees with its razor-sharp horn.

With its giant hooves, it tramples over buildings ,

Completely untameable, it will stop for nobody.

Crashing, snorting and raging,

Clumsy, wild and furious.

Update 1.12.17

Still image for this video
This week, we have focused our maths work on 3d shapes. As Amara explains, we have been creating 3d shapes out of paper by drawing and cutting out a net, then sticking it all together.

It was a lot of fun!

Update 10.11.17


All children have been given their times tables rockstars login. We are working hard to improve our fluency and accuracy with multiplication and division facts! Please login and practice as much as possible!

Update 9.11.17

Still image for this video
This half-term, we are learning to create vlogs. We have made a series of short vlogs to show what we have been learning about this week.


Still image for this video
Here, Jacob and Alex tell you about our current class book.


Still image for this video
Samantha and Mia tell you about our work in maths this week.

For those about to column subtract...

Still image for this video
Last week we had a fantastic week working on column subtractions. We filmed a reminder for anybody that is going to try them out!

Update 6.11.17


Please note that this half-term P.E. kits will be required on Thursdays. 


If any parents ever wish to contact me, my email address is


Mr Cutler

Update 30.10.17

We are back into the swing of things after the half-term break!

This half term, we will be looking at a book entitled 'Journey' by Aaron Becker. This beautiful picture book doesn't contain any words, so we are going to work hard to decide what should be written. You can see images from the book on this link:


Please note, we will have a dance coach for our P.E. lessons this half-term. As a result of this, P.E. will now take place on Thursdays. 


The new homework grid and up to date spellings can be found by clicking on the stars above. 

An image from 'Journey'

Update 6.10.17

We have been very busy in Mulberry over the last few weeks! There has been some amazing writing and maths work going on! 


Our school trip to Saltaire was a great success. Over the next 2 weeks we will be working to decide if Titus Salt was a hero or a villain!

12.9.17 Welcome to the new school year! 

Welcome to the Mulberry class 2017/2018 class page. 

All the class have settled in well and are looking forward to the exciting things we have planned!


This half-term we are working to decide if Titus Salt was a hero or a villain. We felt that the best way to do this would be to visit Saltaire; the town that he built for the workers of his factory in the Victorian age! The trip will take place on Tuesday 26th September. A letter will be sent out as soon as coach travel has been confirmed. 


Please note that P.E. kits will be required on Mondays and Fridays this half-term. 

A photograph of Titus Salt

Please find the key instant recall facts for Autumn 1 below. Children will work through each target until they know each number fact instantly. Please help your child to practice these at home.

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