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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Weekly Class Updates

Friday 22nd July 2022


Thank you Mulberry Class!


What a fantastic last week we have all had in Mulberry Class! There has been so much fun and laughter. The class have had a brilliant time in Mulberry Class and it's been lovely to see them all shine this year! A particular highlight of the week has to be Giraffe day - so much bouncing and smiles! Me and Mrs Furbank have got some great memories being with the class that we will treasure forever. Thank you Mulberry Class for being amazing in everyway - I will miss you all when you go into Year 4. Me and Mrs Furbank wish you the best of luck and a huge well done for an amazing performance in the Peter Pan production.


Both me and Mrs Furbank would like to say a huge thank you for all the kind presents and cards from the children. They are so thoughtful and we really appreciate them. We would also like to say thank you to the parents as you have all been so supportive and amazing this past year.


The Year 3 'dream team' would like to wish everyone an awesome and well deserved summer break.


Thank you again for being amazing Year 3!


Take care,


Miss Munro and Mrs Furbank



Friday 15th July 2022


In Learning Means the World this week, the class have finished focusing on their toy design for a tribal child. They had to evaluate their toy and think about what are the strengths and weaknesses of their design. We have also been very busy practicing for the KS2 production of Peter Pan. They have put so much effort into it and you can see them beaming with joy! For transition day, Year 3 loved having the opportunity to go into Year 4 and get to know their new teacher!  


In maths this week, we have carried on with our topic of capacity. We have been learning how to add and subtract capacity. The class were very good at comparing capacity as well as adding and subtracting it. 


I hope you have a superb weekend! Stay safe in the warm weather and take care.


Miss Munro

Friday 8th July 2022


In Learning Means the World this week, the class have enjoyed focusing on Design Technology. They have been discussing on what toy to design a tribal child who has no access to technology or electricity. They had to think about what natural materials they could use for their toy design. We have also been very busy practicing for the KS2 production of Peter Pan. The class have loved singing their song and practicing what it is going to look like - we can't wait for you to see it. 


In maths this week, we have carried on with our topic of mass. We have been learning how to add and subtract mass, as well as learning about capacity. The class were very good at explaining what capacity is and how to measure it - super mathematicians!


Enjoy the warm weather this weekend.


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 1st July 2022


In Learning Means the World this week, the class have enjoyed focusing on Art, Music and History. Mulberry class have done some fantastic observational drawing of tropical birds and plants. They have really paid attention to detail and they have thought about what colours to include. In music, the class created a brilliant soundscape! We had different groups of monkeys, birds, rain and big cats - very exciting. They learnt all about high and low pitches. 


In english this week we have started our new model text of 'Should Mrs Mac let the boys out again?' Mulberry class have created their own text map and they have been understanding the text as readers and writers. In maths this week, we have a new topic of mass. They have been measuring mass and understanding the difference between grams and kilograms.  


Enjoy the weekend and have lots of fun.


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 24th June 2022


We have had lots of fun in the sun this week - the class have loved being outdoors.  In Learning Means the World this week, the class have enjoyed focusing on Science and PSHE. We learnt all about plants and their life cycles, pollination and water transportation. The class had great fun making up actions to help them remember all about pollination. 


In english this week we carried on with our model text of 'The Lake'. Mulberry class have written their own warning tale based upon the model text - their writing is fantastic. In maths this week, we have focused on parallel and perpendicular lines and 3D shapes. 


Enjoy the warm weather this weekend!


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 17th June 2022


What a superb week Year 3 have had. I've never seen so many smiles this week! Thank you to everyone who came to Sports Day this year, the children absolutely loved celebrating the day with you and they really enjoyed it! I know everyone had lots of fun and the class loved all the races! In Learning Means the World this week, the class have enjoyed doing some computing. We learnt all about what inputs are and experimented creating algorithms. This was done by choosing two sprites to do four commands. 


In english this week we carried on with our model text of 'The Lake'. The class started to change the model text to some of their ideas and they were wonderful. In maths this week, we have focused on 2D shapes and horizontal and vertical lines - the class have been amazing at this!


I hope everyone has a tremendous weekend and enjoy the weather.


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 10th June 2022


Year 3 have had a marvellous first week back after half term. The children enjoyed our new curriculum launch of 'Learning Means the World'. Our topic for this half term is called 'Under the Canopy'. This week the class have been learning about heritage and what mayan names mean. There has been lots of excellent group work and the class have loved researching different questions about heritage. 


In english this week we were introduced to our new model text of 'The Lake'. The class started to create their own text map based upon the model text. They also had a fabulous session outside doing some drama based upon the characters feelings. In maths this week, we have started a new topic of angles. The class have learnt all about acute, obtuse and right angles.


Polite notice:

This week’s home learning challenges are to complete your tasks on Reading Plus as well as practising your class spellings.

Next Friday 17th June 2022, we will be launching our exciting Learning Means the World home learning challenges! 



I hope you all have a lovely weekend.


Take care,

Miss Munro



Friday 27th May 2022


Happy Half Term!


Well done Year 3 for a fantastic final week. We have had such fun celebrating the jubilee! Year 3 had such a brilliant time doing all sorts of activities in school. They loved drawing a royal portrait of the Queen and putting their own spin on it. They also loved decorating a royal cupcake and designing their own royal crown! Everyone's costumes were incredible and very creative. What a super day!


In english this week we carried on with our model text of 'Wizards'. The class started doing their independent writes where they wrote a report based upon the model text. I was very impressed with the level of writing and how informative the reports were. In maths this week, we have finished our topic of time and the class have done really well. They focused on measuring time in seconds and they did great in this. 



Please encourage your child to use Reading Plus at home as this is designed to help your child with their fluency in reading. Your child should have their login to access it. It is a great and fun way to help your child with their fluency and they love using it in class. If you do use reading plus at home, please write it in their planner by stating 'reading plus' and which book they selected.


Please note for next half term our PE days will be on a Monday and Tuesday. This is just for the next half term of Summer


I hope everyone has a lovely half term and a well deserved break! I can't wait to hear all about your adventures when you come back.


Take care,


Miss Munro

Friday 20th May 2022


What another fantastic week of learning! Lots of dedication, enthusiasm and creativity. In Art this week, we focused on the Indian Art called batik. We discovered that batik is a type of textile that has lots of patterns on it and learnt how you make batik. We then used oil pastels and water colours to create our own art which was inspired by nature. In PE this week, we have focused on both team games and rounders. Year 3 worked really well as a team to complete multiple mini challenges and show excellent teamwork. They were able to demonstrate superb communication to help them complete the challenges. 


In english this week we have started a new model text called 'Wizards'. As this is a non fiction based text, we have been learning all about the key features of a report. In addition, the class got to make their very own wizard wand to hook us into the topic. In maths this week, we have carried on with time. We had a great practical lesson where we would tell the time using an analogue clock and then convert it into digital, am or pm. 



Please encourage your child to use Reading Plus at home as this is designed to help your child with their fluency in reading. Your child should have their login to access it. It is a great and fun way to help your child with their fluency and they love using it in class. If you do use reading plus at home, please write it in their planner by stating 'reading plus' and which book they selected.



I hope you have a lovely and refreshing weekend.


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 13th May 2022


Super stitching!


Mulberry Class have had a tremendous week this week! In history, we focused on what happened when the Romans invaded Briton. Mulberry Class had to imagine they were a briton fighting alongside Boudica trying to defeat the Romans. They had to imagine how were they feeling witnessing the battle, or being with Boudica by her side. From this, we then wrote diary entries - lots of excellent facts and feelings were written or discussed. In Art this week, we carried on with our bookmarks made out of binca. Everybody did so well focusing on their different types of stitches and I could see how hard they were concentrating. They have loved sewing! In PE, we had a massive class game of rounders - so much enthusiasm and excellent sportsmanship. 


In english this week, we have carried on with 'Wanda and the Toad'. We are at the independent stage where the class get to devise their own story based on the model text. Lots of lovely expanded noun phrases and super punctuation - I'm very impressed. In maths this week, we have started a new topic of time. We had a great practical lesson using clocks to understand telling the time to 5 minutes and consolidating to and past. Although they have found it tricky, I'm very impressed with their dedication. Well done Mulberry Class.


I hope you have a terrific weekend.


Take care,


Miss Munro

Friday 6th May 2022


Drama shows!


Mulberry Class have had a lot of fun acting this week! This week we have carried on with our topic of 'Changes in the Stone Age to the Iron Age'. In history, we focused on why defence was a priority in the Iron Age. The class were put into small groups and they had to devise a piece of acting/news report on what they had learnt about why defence was so key. Every group did brilliantly with their news reports and I could see so many of them having fun. In Art this week, we have started to make our bookmarks out of binca. The class have been practising their sewing techniques of a running stitch, cross stitch and back stitch. 


In english this week, we have carried on with 'Wanda and the Toad'. For one of our english lessons, we got to go outside and perform on the stage! Each group were given a paragraph and they had to focus on how their character was feeling. It was such a lovely day to go outside for it. In maths, this week, we have finished with fractions. We ended our fractions lesson on subtracting fractions and everyone did great. The next topic we will be focusing on is time.  



Please can you keep reading with your child at home as this will help with their fluency and comprehension. In their reading records/planners, you will find a VIPERS section where it will give you example questions on what to ask your child to see if they have understood the text. Once you have read with your child, please fill out their reading record.


I hope everyone has a lovely weekend.


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 29th April 2022


Super smiles!


Mulberry Class have had a marvellous jam packed week! There have been so many fun activities going on with lots of smiles and laughter.  This week we have carried on with our topic of 'Changes in the Stone Age to the Iron Age'. In history, we learnt lots of information on the settlement of Skara Brae in Orkney, and who the Cheddar man was. The class loved learning about why the cheddar man was called the cheddar man and how long ago he lived! They also learnt what an archeologist does and what excavation means. In PE, the class have had so much fun playing rounders. The class were split into two teams where they had to try and score lots of rounders. Lots of super fielding skills and I could see everyone was keeping their eyes on the ball.  


In english this week, we have started a new topic of 'Wanda and the Toad'. For our hook lesson, the class got to make bubbling and magical potions, and then design their own. They loved thinking what weird and wonderful things they could put in their potions! In maths, this week, we have carried on with fractions. In particular we have looked at comparing, ordering and adding fractions. They have all tried so hard with this and their confidence within fractions has really risen - I'm so proud of everyone.  


I hope everyone has a really lovely bank holiday and I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday. 


Take care,


Miss Munro

Friday 22nd April 2022


Welcome back!


Well done Mulberry Class on a super first week back! Everyone has shown lots of determination, enthusiasm and great work ethic. They all enjoyed being back at school and seeing their friends. This week we have kick started our history topic of 'Changes in the Stone Age to the Iron Age'. The class brought in a piece of family history that was important to them and they loved explaining all about it - some super historical items. We then explored how long ago the stone age was and how people survived back then. In RE, the class went outside exploring what the trinity means and what water means to them. 


In english this week, we have finished our independent writes. There has been some great cursive handwriting going on and creative ideas. In maths, this week, we have carried on with fractions. In particular we have looked at equivalent fractions and the class were super speedy at grasping this concept. They enjoyed spotting the patterns in the fraction wall. 


Polite reminder - please can you ensure your child comes into school wearing the correct school uniform.


Have a tremendous weekend with lots of fun! 


Take care, 


Miss Munro

Friday 1st April 2022


Happy Easter! 


Well done Mulberry Class on a tremendous half term! Everyone has worked so hard and I have been very impressed. In Geography this week, the class have focused on the climate differences between Greece and the UK. In history, we carried on with our focus of Ancient Greeks and in particular the Gods and Goddesses! The class worked in pairs to perform a drama piece and act out who their god was. The rest of the class then had to guess who the god was. Today, it has been an Easter fun filled day with egg rolling, and egg hunt and an egg-static tombola. Swimming has been really fun and the class have really enjoyed it.  


In english this week, we have carried on with 'Fantastic Fish for Sale'. This week we have focused on the features of a persuasive text and understanding the text as a reader. In maths, this week, we have carried on with fractions. In particular we have looked at fractions of an amount and recognising a tenth as a decimal. 


I hope you all have an egg - cellent Easter holiday filled with lots of fun, rest and of course, chocolate!


Take care, 


Miss Munro


Friday 25th March 2022


What another fantastic week Mulberry class have had. They have been so kind to one another and been really thoughtful. They have been very enthusiastic when it came to their learning and putting in 100%! In Geography, everyone has been focusing on the physical features of Greece and what daily life is like in Greece compared to the UK. In PE, we have been linking the movements we have learned over the past few weeks to create a sequence. The class loved choosing and performing their sequences. 


In english this week, we have started a new model text of 'Fantastic Fish for Sale'. This focuses on persuasive language. Everyone has had a blast learning the model text and they have been super competitive whilst playing the game Babble Gabble. In maths, this week, we have carried on with fractions. Everybody's confidence is really growing within the subject and we have focused on tenths and thirds this week.



On Monday and Friday, Year 3 have swimming lessons so please get the children to come into school in their PE kits. 

On Wednesday 30th, it is class photograph day so please ensure your child comes into school in their school uniform. As we would usually have PE on a Wednesday, our PE slot just for this week will be Friday 1st April. The PE session will be the swimming lesson.


Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the warm, beautiful weather!


Take care, 


Miss Munro




Friday 18th March 2022


Science Week!


Everyone has had another AMAZING week at school! We have been so enthralled by our topic of Ancient Greece and learnt lots about the origins of the Olympic Games. We then designed our own greek vases to help celebrate the Olympics. In science, we have been focusing more on plants and in particular the different functions of a plant. Everyone used lots of scientific vocabulary and there were lots of rich discussions. It has also been science week this week and to help celebrate, a visitor came in to talk more about geology and a fossils! He even brought in LAVA! There was also a steam train and we got to look at the sun through a telescope. 


In english this week, we have carried on with our model text of 'King of Fishes'. We have started our independent writes and the children have had a real buzz about creating their stories. In maths this week, we have started the topic of fractions. We did find it tricky at first, but the class have shown real determination and given it a go!



Please keep accessing Classroom Secrets Kids as this is now the children's home learning - everyone is doing really well. The class have loved using Reading Plus at school, so please encourage your children to access it at home, and if they read a story on there, please write it down in their planner. 

The last week before the Easter holidays, Mulberry Class have got the exciting opportunity to go swimming! This will be on Monday 28th March and Friday 1st April in the afternoons. If you have any questions regarding swimming, please email me and I'm more than happy to help. More information regarding swimming will be given out soon.  


I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 11th March 2022


Amazing attitudes!


Mulberry class have had a blast with their learning this week - I have been so impressed by their amazing attitudes! We have loved learning more about ancient greeks and how the democracy back then, has helped form our democracy now. In geography, we have learnt where Greece is located and used lots of locational language in the sessions - super work! In PE we are focusing on our gymnastic skills and everyone has loved learning how to do a forwards roll and a tucked backwards roll. They gave 100% even when they found it tricky and gave it their best shot. 


In english this week, we have carried on with our model text of 'King of Fishes'. We have bee discussing the features of a wishing text and improving our use of expanded noun phrases. They have had an amazing writing flow this week and I have been impressed by their creativity and dedication. In maths this week, we have focused on comparing length and measuring perimeter. They have been very focused on how to measure perimeter and had a really good start with the concept.  


I hope everyone has a terrific weekend!


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 4th March 2022


Welcome back!


What a fabulous first week back after half term! Mulberry class have had a fun filled week with lots of amazing activities! They have loved being back at school, seeing friends and shown tonnes of determination. On Monday, Frederick the Fisherman came to visit Mulberry Class and we did lots of drama. Everybody loved taking part and playing different characters. It was World Book Day on Thursday and Mulberry Class loved going into all the different classrooms and doing different activities. These ranged from making reading dens, book tasting and following a recipe! In history we started to delve into 'Who were the ancient greeks?' and learned lots of facts.  


In english this week, we have started our new model text of 'King of Fishes'. To hook the class in, they were challenged to name as many fish as they could. They worked in groups to think about what fish are there and afterwards, we researched other species of fish. As a follow up activity to Frederick the Fisherman, the class wrote their own poems and stories based on the story. In maths this week, we have started to look at length. We have focused on the measurements metres, centimetres and millimetres. The class have also learned how to make the measurements equivalent.  


I hope everyone has a great weekend!


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 11th February 2022


Super Learning!


Mulberry class have had lots of fun this week! In Geography we have been applying our knowledge of tectonic plates and the 'Ring of Fire' to create super posters about them. We also had a special visitor come into school to talk more about rocks and volcanoes. The class loved listening to our special visitor talk about geology and jobs involved in geology! Lots of questions were asked such as 'Have you visited a volcano?' 


In english this week, we have started our innovation phase and planned what we will be writing for our independent write. The class loved choosing what character they were going to include in their discussion text. We have also focused on fronted adverbials. In maths this week, we have started to look at statistics! Everyone enjoyed working practically with pictograms, bar charts and tables! Lots of key mathematical vocabulary used. 


I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 4th February 2022


National Storytelling week!


Everyone has had a terrific week and there has been so much focus and determination! Mulberry class have had lots of fun celebrating National Storytelling week by writing book reviews of their favourite stories and sharing them with their friends.  


In english this week, we have created our own text maps to help us to understand the model text of 'Should Jack be Jailed?'. We have also focused on the features of a discussion text and looked at contractions. In maths this week, we finished our topic of money and turned the classroom into the 'Mulberry Class Shop'. Everyone enjoyed finding change from a given amount whilst in the class shop. Lots of fun using money! 


I hope everyone has a super weekend!


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 28th January 2022


Fantastic Fossil Hunters!


Well done on another fantastic week. Everyone has been enthusiastic about their learning and really tried their hardest! Mulberry class have been getting very creative with their topic on Volcanoes and Rocks! This week we continued to look at how fossils are made in more detail and made our very own fossils! Lots of fun! 


In english this week, we have started to look at what a discussion is. We had class debate and discussed should Dug the dog be headteacher! The class were split into two groups who discussed 'for' and 'against'. We then had a class vote and discussed all the reasons. In maths this week, we have focused on a new topic of money. Mulberry class have really tried hard with this concept and done terrifically well in adding up money. We also had our launch of 'Battle of the Bands' on TTRockstars - everyone is very excited to work on their times tables. 


I hope everyone has a great weekend!


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 21st January 2022


Great hard work Mulberries!


This week everyone has worked extremely hard on their learning! We have continued with our topic of volcanoes and rocks! Mulberry class have been great geologists and focused on what the ring of fire is, and what are tectonic plates. We have also looked at real fossils and discovered how they become fossils! Great learning and lots of fun! 


In english this week, we carried on with our defeating the monster tale of, Jack and the Beanstalk. We have created our own story based on the model text and there has been some terrific, creative ideas! In maths this week, we have focused on what scaling is and grouping from two different sets of objects. We tried to figure out how many different combinations you can get. 


I hope everyone has a great weekend and lots of fun!


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 14th January 2022


What a wonderful week!


This week has been everyone has been really enthusiastic with their learning and they've enjoyed themselves so much! After launching our new topic last week, the children have been eager to find out more about it! They love learning about volcanoes and rocks - we even found out about the different parts of a volcano! We have also been super scientists this week and conducted an experiment on the density, permeability and durability of different groups of rocks. 


In english this week, we carried on with our defeating the monster tale of, Jack and the Beanstalk. We have started to innovate the text and think of different ways we could change the character and what happens in the plot! We have also been showing how amazing we are at using direct speech and commas. In maths this week, we have focused on dividing a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. The class have really got to grips with this concept and even conquered remainders!! We had lots of practise using a place value chart to help us with our division sums. 


I hope everyone has a great weekend and some well deserved rest!


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 7th January 2022


Welcome back everybody and Happy New Year!!


Our first week back has been really exciting and everyone has enjoyed catching up whilst having lots of fun! The children have settled in really well and are ready to enjoy some more super learning. We have launched our new topic and we hope you can guess what our topic is by looking at the dressed up door.... it's Volcanoes!! We have already delved into where you can locate volcanoes on a map, globe and google earth and decorated our door with an enormous, exploding volcano!


In english this week, we have started a new defeating the monster tale of, Jack and the Beanstalk. We have thought of some fantastic actions to help us to remember the tale. We have also been focusing on how to improve our sentences by using expanded noun phrases and subordinating conjunctions. In maths this week, we have focused on dividing a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number.


I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and well done for a terrific first week back!


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 17th December 2021


Merry Christmas Everybody!!


What a fun filled busy week we have had before the Christmas holidays! We've had a great time watching Alive & Kicking's Panto, our FOBS Christmas Film, lots of Christmas activities and our amazing Christmas party! We have truly got into the Christmas spirit! 


We would also like to say a MASSIVE well done to those children who got 50 reads last week - they had lots of fun on the gym! 


Me and Mrs Furbank would like to wish everybody a lovely Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We look forward to seeing you in the New Year and we hope you have a well deserved, well rested and magical Christmas break! Have a lovely Christmas with friends and family! 


We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who sent in such gorgeous Christmas cards and gifts - we really appreciate them, they were so thoughtful!


Enjoy yourselves this Christmas break! 


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 10th December 2021


It's nearly Christmas!! smiley


This week we have had so much fun getting ready for Christmas! There has been lots of magic, fun, and a cheeky elf getting up to his usual tricks! 


This week, we have had the Christingle service at the local church. We made our Christingles so they looked magical and brilliant for the service the following day. At the service, it was a beautiful time as everyone got to light their candles and start to celebrate Christmas - we also found out what Christingles represent. 


Today, it has been the FOBS Festive Friday! The day started off with our amazing elf run and it consisted of 4 different 'grottos'. There were hurdles, parachutes, musical statues and time on the trim trail - such fun! After the elf run, Mulberry class got busy making Christmas cards and they look spectacular! After being busy elves ourselves, we then got to go on the FOBS Christmas tombola! 


I hope everyone has a tremendous weekend!


Take care,


Miss Munro 

Friday 3rd December 2021


Mulberry Class, you have been amazing - so much determination and enthusiasm!


In maths this week, we have carried on with multiplication and division. In particular, we have focused on multiplying a 2 digit number with a 1 digit number. They have had a really good start to this and grasped the concept well. Next week, we will carry on using the column method and crossing over.


In english this week, we have innovated the character from the model text and looked at the key features of instructions. The class really enjoyed innovating their characters and described why it is a good idea to steal one of them!


In topic this week the class spoke like an expert and explained who Michael Faraday was. They were amazing at presenting who he was, why he is important and what he did for Science! Well done everyone!


We also had the arrival of the naughty elf in class called Geoffrey! He has been very cheeky, but the class love coming in on a morning and seeing what mischief he has been up to! The classroom is looking very merry and everyone is excited for Christmas!


Reminder - Please remember children need to be bringing in their reading book and reading record into school each day. On a Friday, children need to bring in their completed home learning book for it to be looked at. Please check the home learning page for the updated homework.


I hope everyone has a super weekend!


Miss Munro 

Friday 26th November 2021


What another fabulous week Mulberry Class have had - not long until Christmas!!


In maths this week, we have carried on with multiplication and division. In particular, we have focused on multiplying and dividing by 8. They have tried especially hard with their 8 times tables as it can be a tricky concept! You are all super stars!


In english this week, we have finished our independent write and started a new text of How to Steal a Camel from Amisi. The children's stories have been a real pleasure to read - they are so creative! In our new text, we kick started it off by finding out our curriculum creatures had been stolen! We put our detective hats on, looked at the clues and found the stolen creatures! There was so much fun!


In topic this week the class made some amazing magnetic games! The class absolutely loved designing, making and evaluating how their game went and enjoyed playing their friends magnetic games too!



Reminder - Please remember children need to be bringing in their reading book and reading record into school each day. On a Friday, children need to bring in their completed home learning book for it to be looked at. On the home learning page, the class have been asked to make a decoration for the school christmas tree. Please ensure these are brought into school on Wednesday 1st December.


I hope everyone has a brilliant weekend!


Miss Munro 

Children in Need

Friday 19th November


What a super week Mulberry class have had! Well done to everyone on their fabulous determination.


In maths this week, we have carried on with multiplication and division. In particular, we have focused on multiplying and dividing by 4. Everyone has tried really hard on their dividing skills and thinking what resources they can use to help themselves. We have had lots of fun singing our 4 times tables and 3 times tables!


In english this week, we have carried on looking at Amisi and the Fig. Year 3 have focused on how to use inverted commas in direct speech, as well as thinking of exciting noun phrases to make their writing pop out! Everyone has been superstars! Next week, we will start our independent write!


In topic this week the class have been fabulous scientists! We have been focusing on bar magnets and using key vocabulary of attract and repel. They learnt about the north pole, south pole and what happens if two of the same pole are put together.  Today everyone has loved children in need! There have been some fabulous hair colours, styles, lots of non uniform and a tremendous amount of smiles!



Reminder - Please remember children need to be bringing in their reading book and reading record into school each day. On a Friday, children need to bring in their completed home learning book for it to be looked at. We are having a huge focus on handwriting within Year 3, therefore on the home learning page I have set a handwriting piece for the class to practice.


I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and keep smiling!


Miss Munro 

Friday 12th November


What a terrific week Marvellous Mulberries have had! There has been so much laughter, smiles and tremendous amounts of fun!


In maths this week, we have started a new subject of multiplication and division. In particular, we have focused on multiplying and dividing by 3. The class have really grasped this concept well by using a range of resources to help them with sharing and multiplying, as well as applying their 3 times tables facts! Year 3 are amazing mathematicians! 


In english this week, we have started a new story. This time, the story focuses on speech and is called Amisi and the Fig. To kick start the topic, Year 3 travelled to Egypt and learnt lots about the country - they even tried figs! (The figs went down a treat!) Everyone has worked really hard in their text map and were very fluent in reading the story. Well done! 


On Monday, everyone loved the school trip to Saltaire! We learnt lots about the village, why it was built, Sir Titus Salt and whether he was a philanthropist or villain. Everyone was given a character and learnt lots of history about their life in Saltaire. Afterwards, we went on a tour around the village looking at where the characters lived and we got to see where Salts Mill is! The class deserve a massive well done as they really enjoyed the school trip and there were a sea of smiles!  


Well done to everyone who achieved 25 reads this week on our reading chart! It is great to see so many of you reading and enjoying it. Remember, if you keep reading and achieve 25 reads, you can come to school in your own clothes. So if you are only a few away from 25, you can get there! 


Reminder - Please remember children need to be bringing in their reading book and reading record into school each day. On a Friday, children need to bring in their completed home learning book for it to be looked at. We are having a huge focus on handwriting within Year 3, therefore on the home learning page I have set a handwriting piece for the class to practice.


I hope everyone has a brilliant weekend and keep smiling!


Miss Munro 

Friday 5th November


Well done to everyone for a fabulous first week back after half term! You have all been incredible! 


In maths this week, we have focused on using estimation and inverse to help us to check our answers. Everybody has been terrific with using the inverse and applying the skill to help them to check if the answer is correct. I have been so impressed with the level of hard work this week! You are all superstars in inverse!


In english this week, we have been finishing our instructional text. We have been creating our own set of instructions and the topic was how to make a special kind of soup! Everybody has included amazing imperative verbs and given clear and concise instructions. Marvellous writing Year 3! 


In art this week, we have been focusing on a new skill of drawing and shading. The class have focused on using different shading techniques to create varied tones and textures. I have seen a lot of smiley faces as the class loved using a variety of shading techniques to make their drawings stand out! They were brilliant at cross hatching!


Well done to everyone who achieved 25 reads this week on our reading chart! That is an amazing achievement so please keep reading! I love to hear how much everyone enjoys reading! Remember, if you keep reading and achieve 25 reads, you can come to school in your own clothes. So if you are only a few away from 25, you can get there! Go Mulberry Class!


Reminder - It is our school trip to Saltaire on Monday 8th November so children need to come into school in their school uniform. Please provide your child with a suitable coat (as it will be cold and we will be walking outside) sensible footwear and a healthy packed lunch with a drink.

In addition, please remember children need to be bringing in their reading book and reading record into school each day. On a Friday, children need to bring in their completed home learning book for it to be looked at. New spellings have also been handed out this week and are stuck in their planners.

As the weather is getting colder, please remember to send your child in with a coat.


I hope everyone has a brilliant weekend and that you get to see some super fireworks! Happy bonfire night!


Miss Munro 

Thursday 21st October

Happy half term everyone!


In maths this week, we have continued using the column method to add and subtract 2 three digit numbers. The class have worked incredibly well using the column method and have become superstars in it! They blew me away with how amazing they were with exchanging! Well done Year 3! 


In english this week, we have continued with our instructional text. We have been using imperative verbs in a practical sense and thinking of our own amazing ideas for our very own instructions! Their writing has been incredible! 


In science this week, everyone has had a blast making shadow puppets, and getting creative with how we make shadows! I was thoroughly impressed with the technical language the children were using when discussing about light and dark. In art, everyone adored painting part of David Hockney's painting of Salts Mill! Their brush skills and attention to warm and cool tones was brilliant! 


Reminder - please remember children need to be bringing in their reading book and reading record into school each day. On a Friday, children need to bring in their completed home learning book for it to be looked at. As the weather is getting colder, please remember to send your child in with a coat.


Please check the home learning page as we have an exciting activity for you to do! I can't wait to see what you send in!


I hope everyone has a fabulous half term and enjoys doing lots of fun filled activities! Keep smiling and being brilliant - you deserve a super half term as you have all worked so hard!


Miss Munro 

Friday 15th October 2021

Friday 15th October 2021



What a fun filled and superb week everyone has had!


In maths this week, we have been learning about adding and subtracting three digit numbers with a two digit number using the column method. There has been some fantastic partner work and practical work whilst using the column method. Everyone has showed amazing determination when exchanging - well done Year 3! 


In english this week, we have started a new topic - instructions! We have been learning about the key features of instructions and how to use imperative verbs (bossy verbs). As a class, we then instructed each other on how to write a word and included imperative verbs into our instructions! 


Everybody has had a blast during Spanish day! There were so many fun filled activities! We learnt about spanish cuisine, flamenco dancing, and how to make a Dali clock! 


Reminder - please remember children need to be bringing in their reading book and reading record into school each day. On a Friday, children need to bring in their completed home learning book for it to be looked at. As the weather is getting colder, please remember to send your child in with a coat. 


I hope you have a fantastic weekend! I can't wait to see everyone on Monday!


Miss Munro 

Friday 8th October 2021


Well done on another fantastic week Mulberry Class! I'm so proud of everyone for their fabulous attitude towards their learning!


In maths this week, we have been learning about adding and subtracting three digit numbers. It has been a real treat to see the class persevere when it came to answering tricky concepts about this topic, but everyone has been real super stars. There has been some super partner work within Mulberry Class when using place value charts to help us exchange when it came to crossing numbers in addition.  


In english this week, we have been creating our very own stories! Everyone has loved sharing their creative ideas and thinking what could happen in their story and setting the scene. I have seen lots of fabulous pieces of writing - well done everyone! 


In science this week, we have been learning about shadows. We constructed a test to see if all objects create shadows.  In PE, the class have taken the skills they have learnt from cricket and applied them to creating their very own cricket game! Super team work and sportsmanship - we cannot wait to play all the games over the next week!


Reminder - please remember children need to be bringing in their reading book and reading record into school each day. On a Friday, children need to bring in their completed home learning book for it to be looked at. Each Friday, homework is set on the school website under 'home learning' and it needs to be completed and returned by the following Friday. On the 12th October it is Spanish day too!


I hope you have a well deserved and restful weekend! I can't wait to see everyone on Monday!


Miss Munro 

Friday 1st October 2021


What a super week everyone has had! There has been lots of laughter, fun and smiles! Thank you to everyone who handed in their home learning this week - terrific work!


In maths this week, we have started to delve into a new subject. Our key focus is looking at addition and subtraction with a three digit number and a one digit number. Everyone has shown off their superb math skills by using a number of strategies to help them to answer questions! We even had a great session outdoors using chalk and number lines!


In english this week, we have focused on our innovation stage of our story of Nail Soup. We have had a specific focus on inverted commas, commas and expanded noun phrases. The class have shown real flair when it comes to expanded noun phrases and thinking creatively of how to make their writing more interesting. 


In science this week, we became amazing spies and created our very own 'spy gadget' periscope to help us to see around corners. We have been learning about how light travels and how reflection can help us to see around hidden corners. In history, we used what we learnt from last week in our drama session and imagined we were a child living in Saltaire in 1871! We created the most fantastic diary entries - they were so descriptive! 


Reminder - Our PE days have returned back to normal and will be on a Monday and Wednesday. Also, please remember children need to be bringing in their reading book and reading record into school each day. On a Friday, children need to bring in their completed home learning book for it to be looked at. 


Thank you for all your support back home and I hope everybody has a marvellous weekend! 


Miss Munro smiley

Friday 24th September 2021


Well done to everyone for such a terrific week - lots of determination and hard work!


In maths this week, we have been looking at greater than and less than with numbers up to 1000. We have also focused on ordering numbers up to 1000 and everyone has shown real enthusiasm in their maths lessons - especially in their partner work.


In english this week, we have focused on 'boxing up' our story of Nail Soup and how to use inverted commas. There has been great discussion in our boxing up sessions and everyone has shown real creativeness in their ideas!


In topic this week, we had an amazing drama session where we travelled by train to Saltaire and imagined what life was like for people living there in the Victorian era. We had a 'guided tour' of what life might be like around the village and Salts Mill. In PE, we have carried on with our fielding and striking skills - everyone has shown real sportsmanship!


Have a fantastic weekend everyone and enjoy yourselves!


Miss Munro  

Friday 17th September 2021

Friday 17th September 2021


What a fabulous week the Marvellous Mulberry class have had! They have been filled with such excitement and hard work - especially Roald Dahl Day, the costumes were fantastic!


In maths this week, we have carried on identifying the place value of hundreds, tens and ones. They have worked brilliantly in their practical sessions and shown real determination. We have focused on partitioning the 3 digit numbers and finding 1, 10 and 100 more or less.


In english this week, we have focused on retelling our descriptive story, 'Nail Soup'. Everyone has been amazing at remembering the story and thinking of the most creative actions to help retell it! We have also looked at 'Reading as a Reader' and summarising the story! Well done :)


In topic this week, we have focused really hard on our painting skills of primary and secondary colours with powder paint and investigating more about Sir Titus Salt. We also kickstarted our science of investigating light and shadows. Everyone showed super enthusiasm for it!


Reminder - Our PE days will be back to normal and they are on a Monday and Wednesday. Home learning and reading books have been sent out with planners, so please can children complete them. All the information can be found on the website. You can access home learning under class pages.


Have a super weekend everyone and relax!


Miss Munro      

First week back!!

Friday 10th September 2021


Welcome back everyone! What a marvellous first week back everyone has had! It has been really lovely to see the children settle back into school life and enjoying laughing with their friends. It is super to hear everyone is happy to be back and to see lots of fantastic smiles! 


In maths this week, we have recapped over place value looking at tens and ones, before moving on to hundreds. Next week we will be carrying on looking at place value with hundreds. 


In english this week, we had a brilliant time looking and understanding the text Nail Soup from Talk for Writing. We went on a treasure hunt to find the missing ingredients from Nail Soup! Everyone was great at working as a team and working out the clues to find the next missing ingredient. Great detective work!


We have started to learn about Sir Titus Salt the philanthropist and how he changed the lives of people. We became time travellers and travelled back to 1853! In PE, we have been focusing on our catching skills as our focus is cricket. The class have been terrific focusing on their catching skills and showing real perseverance. Well done Marvellous Mulberries! 


In Science this half term, we will be focusing on light and shadow - we cannot wait to explore this further!


Reminder, on Monday it is Roald Dahl day so children can come into school dressed up as a Roald Dahl character! I cannot wait to see everyone's fabulous costumes! Our PE days are usually a Monday and Wednesday, but for this week our PE days will be Wednesday and Friday, as this is due to Roald Dahl day being on Monday.


I hope you have a super weekend and I look forward to seeing you on Monday morning! 


smiley Miss Munro smiley

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