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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Home Learning

Friday 10th June 2022

This week’s home learning challenges are to continue to read your reading books, as well as practising your class spellings.

Next Friday 17th June 2022, we will be launching our exciting Learning Means the World home learning challenge.

Spring 2022 Home Learning Update 
For the next two half terms, we will be trialling the use of the CS Kids grammar tailored programme in place of the current home learning approach, as part of our blended learning strategy. Our aim is for home learning to be impactful on the children, therefore we ask that all children participate.
Every Friday, by 5pm, the next week’s learning should automatically appear on your child’s account. Pupil logins are stored in your child’s planner. 
To access their account, please visit:  


Date set: Friday 11th February

Date due: Friday 18th February











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Log into your Classroom Secrets account; I have set some tasks on there for you to practice your counting skills up to 50.


Have a practice first and see how far you can count:


Don’t forget about playing Numbots; it doesn’t always have to be in one go, it can be spread across the week. Remember, little and often if you can!


15 minutes

This will support our current learning on numbers up to 50!


Numbots will help your child develop fluency with counting, number bonds, addition and subtraction, and more.


Super Sentence:


We have been starting to think about past, present and future tense. When you write, you can use words that show if the events have already happened, are happening now or will be in the future.

Have a little watch of this video to remind us what they are:


Could you write your super sentence about something you have already done this weekend in the past?

To be super, it has to start with a capital letter, include finger spaces, and end with a full stop. Remember to say your whole sentence several times before you try to write it and use your phonics to help you spell the words.

15 mins

Being able to orally rehearse and write our own sentences is a key building block of Year 1 writing.


In Science we have been thinking about what different animals eat.  We have talked about different animals and whether they are an omnivore, carnivore or herbivore.


Can you have a go at this quiz to consolidate your learning. Some children may need some help to read the questions.


Do you or anyone in your family have any pets? Can you work out whether they are an omnivore, herbivore or carnivore?


If you need a reminder, watch this video:

15 mins


Understanding what animals eat is part of the KS1 Science curriculum.


Date set: Friday 4th February

Date due: Friday 11th February











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Quick fire Subtraction!

Play Minus Mission to practise your subtraction speed. Make the game speed slow, and start with numbers from 1-5. You can then make it harder for a challenge. Good luck!


Welcome to the zoo - let’s practise counting all the way to 120!


Don’t forget about playing Numbots; it doesn’t always have to be in one go, it can be spread across the week. Remember, little and often if you can!


15 minutes

This will support our current learning on subtraction and the counting will prepare us for future learning.


Numbots will help your child develop fluency with counting, number bonds, addition and subtraction, and more.


Super Sentence:

I would love for you to write your super sentence this week about your favourite book to read at home.

To be super, it has to start with a capital letter, include finger spaces, and end with a full stop. Remember to say your whole question several times before you try to write it and use your phonics to help you spell the words.



Have a go at this question mark game. Which sentences need a question mark?


Have a little watch of this simple song about adjectives. Remember, adjectives describe the noun:

15 mins

Being able to orally rehearse and write our own sentences is a key building block of Year 1 writing.


In Geography we have been thinking about what human and physical features are. Can you go out for a walk and see if you can spot any human or physical features?


Maybe you could draw a picture with the human and physical features you have spotted? Can you label them?


If you need a reminder, watch this video:

30 mins


Naming human and physical features is part of the KS1 Geography curriculum.

Date set: Friday 28th January

Date due: Friday 4th February












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


This week, in aid of the NSPCC, Battle of the Bands is taking place on TTRS (TT Rockstars!) and all classes in school are being encouraged to take part.

The children have been invited to take part by logging onto their account through this link:

TT Rockstars is an online platform that supports children in their learning of times tables and I’m sure any parents that have older children will be aware of it. It is run by the same company as Numbots which I know many of the children are enjoying. They can therefore use the same login details for both.

Even though we haven’t covered timetables within our class learning yet, I know lots of the children are already fluent in counting in 10’s and some even in 2’s and 5’s.

I have therefore set 10’s for all of the children to have a go at, with an additional challenge of 2’s and 5’s for some.

Please support your child with this school initiative as they may need additional support.


20 minutes

TT Rockstars will help your child develop fluency in multiplication.


Super Sentence:

This week in Geography we have been thinking about whether we would prefer to live in Barwick-in-Elmet or whether we would prefer to live in Antarctica.

I would love for you to write your super sentence this week about which place you would prefer to live in; can you tell me why you would prefer it?


To be super, it has to start with a capital letter, include finger spaces, and end with a full stop. Remember to say your whole question several times before you try to write it and use your phonics to help you spell the words.



As an extra challenge can you find out which place someone special to you would prefer? Id love it if you could write some extras sentences telling me why.


15 mins

Being able to orally rehearse and write our own sentences is a key building block of Year 1 writing.


Carefully colour in the world map attached below. Once coloured, get a grown up to help you cut along the lines. Can you then put it back together like a jigsaw?




20 mins


Naming the continents and oceans is part of the KS1 Geography curriculum.

Date set: Friday 21st January

Date due: Friday 28th January












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


This week we have been focussing on numbers up to 20. Have a go at these games to support our learning:


  • The ordering caterpillar (select numbers 1-20):

Challange!: How about trying to order the numbers backwards?


  • Place value basketball (select numbers up to 19):


Please also continue playing Numbots this week; it doesn’t always have to be in one go, it can be spread across the week. Remember, little and often if you can!

30 minutes

This will support our current learning on place value up to number 20.


Numbots will help your child develop fluency with counting, number bonds, addition and subtraction, and more


Super Sentence question:

This week, I would love for you to use your new skills and have a go at writing a question in your Home Learning book.


To be super, it has to start with a capital letter, include finger spaces, and end with a question mark. Remember to say your whole question several times before you try to write it.


Imagine your favourite teddy bear or toy has come to life! What question might you ask?


Challenge!: As an extra challenge, see if you can write more than one question.

10 mins

Being able to orally rehearse and write our own sentences/questions is a key building block of Year 1 writing.


In science next week we are going to be thinking more about what types of food different animals eat. Last term we talked about carnivores, omnivores and herbivores – can we remember what each word means?


See if you can watch this video as a reminder:


See if you can do the quiz at the bottom of the page to test your knowledge.

15 mins


Understanding what animals eat is part of the KS1 Science curriculum.

Date set: Friday 14th January

Date due: Friday 21st January












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


You were all so fantastic at playing Numbots this week!


It is lovely to see how many of you logged on and completed some fantastic maths questions. I loved hearing all about the robots you have built, and which accessories you are saving your coins for.


Please continue playing Numbots this week; it doesn’t always have to be in one go, it can be spread across the week. Remember, little and often!




25 minutes

Numbots will help your child develop fluency with counting, number bonds, addition and subtraction, and more


Super Sentence:

This week, try to write at least one super sentence in your Home Learning book. To be super, it has to start with a capital letter, include finger spaces, and end with a full stop. Remember to say your whole sentence several times before you try to write it.


This week in Science we have been thinking about how we group animals. Can you write a sentence about your favourite animal and why they are your favourite animal?



As an extra challenge see if you can get the word ‘and’ in your sentence.


Extra Challenge!

Can you use an adjective or two in your sentence?


10 mins

Being able to orally rehearse and write our own sentences is a key building block of Year 1 writing.


Antarctica is home to lots of different animals. Choose one animal to find out about. Draw/ or stick a photo of it in the middle of your home learning book, and label it with three fantastic facts.


You can share the most amazing one with the class next week: can you get any ‘wows!!!’?


DK Find Out is a great online children’s encyclopaedia to start with.

National Geographic Kids has also got some great information on it. 




25 mins


We will learn more about Antarctica through our new topic.


Date set: Friday 7th January

Date due: Friday 14th January











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


  • We’ve all received Numbots log-ins today!


Go to, Click Schools > Pupils > and enter ‘Barwick’ as the school name. Type in your username and the animal ‘pin’. This should be on the letter sent home today.

Enjoy building your robots!


30 Minutes

Numbots will help your child develop fluency with counting, number bonds, addition and subtraction, and more.


Super Sentence:

This week, try to write at least one super sentence in your Home Learning Book. To be super, it has to start with a capital letter, include finger spaces, and end with a full stop. Remember to say your whole sentence several times before you try to write it.


This week have a think about whether you would like to visit Antarctica or not. Can you write a super sentence explaining why you would or why you would not like to visit?


If you would also like to draw me a picture of you visiting Antarctica or somewhere you might like to visit instead then that would be fantastic. I know how artistic you all are!


10 Minutes

Being able to orally rehearse and write our own sentences is a key building block of year 1 writing.

Consolidation & Preparation

This week we launched our new Geography topic: Antarctica.


We have started by thinking about the 7 continents of the world and we have been singing along to this song to help us remember the names of them:


We have also touched on the names of the oceans and will be looking at these in more detail over the coming weeks:


10 Minutes


Naming the continents and oceans is part of the KS1 Geography curriculum.

Date set: Friday 10th December

Date due: Friday 17th December







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Activity 1

Christmas Patterns


Have a practice on level 1 of this lovely Christmas patterns game; move up the levels if you fancy a challenge!


15 minutes

Activity 2

Creative Cards


Create a 3D pop up Christmas card for a friend or someone in your family. 

This link has some great ideas for you to explore!


Up to 30 mins

Activity 3

Ho Ho Ho!


Santa has decided to give the reindeer a break this year. Design a new Santa mobile. Draw your new festive mode of transport, give it a name and add labels to explain its different parts.



Up to 15 minutes

Date set: Friday 3rd December

Date due: Friday 10th December












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Can you watch this video to try and practise counting to 20?


I have set some tasks on Classroom Secrets Kids consolidating what you learnt in Reception counting up to 20. Please see what you can remember!


15 minutes

Next week we are moving on to the numbers 11-20.



We have been starting to focus and practice learning the days of the week through songs in the classroom.

Please watch this video to help us remember the order of the days:


You could have a go at the quizzes at the bottom of the page if you would like a challenge!


Up to 10 mins

Understanding the order and the days of the week are important aspects of the KS1 curriculum.


Super Sentence:

This week, try to write at least one super sentence in your Home Learning book. To be super, it has to start with a capital letter, include finger spaces, and end with a full stop. Remember to say your whole sentence several times before you try to write it.


This week, please write a sentence about what you are looking forward to the most at Christmas. You could draw a picture as well if you would like as I know you all love drawing!



This week we have been focussing on joining two parts of a sentence together by using the conjunction ‘and’. Can your super sentence include the word ‘and’ this week? It would be fantastic if you could!



10 mins

Being able to orally rehearse and write our own sentences is a key building block of Year 1 writing.




Next week the children are going to be making their own Christingle in class. Can you do some research to find out what each part of your Christingle represents? Draw a picture of a Christingle in your Home Learning book and label the different parts. There's a template below if needed.


25 mins


The class are learning about advent and the importance of Christmas to Christians.

Date set: Friday 26th November

Date due: Friday 3rd December











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Next week we are going to be looking at 2D and 3D shapes.

Can you complete the assignments set on Classroom Secrets to help you remember the names of some of the shapes you looked at in Reception class?


15 Minutes

Next week we are going to be looking at 2D and 3D shapes.



Can you look around your house and see if you can spot any 2D or 3D shapes? What can you find? If you could draw a picture or take a photo of some of the shapes you have found then I would love to see them!  


5 Minutes




Next week we are going to be looking at 2D and 3D shapes.



Super Sentence:

This week, try to write at least one super sentence in your Home Learning book. To be super, it has to start with a capital letter, include finger spaces, and end with a full stop. Remember to say your whole sentence several times before you try to write it.


This week please draw, then write a sentence about the weather.

How does the weather make you feel?


10 Minutes

Being able to orally rehearse and write our own sentences is a key building block of Year 1 writing.


The Christmas Tree in the hall needs your help!


Can you make your own Christmas Tree decoration?

We will be decorating the tree on December 1st so please have your creations in by then.


Up to 30 Minutes

Next week our Christmas tree is going up in school!




Date set: Friday 19th November

Date due: Friday 26th November












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Your child should now have their login details stuck in their school diary for their Classroom Secrets Kids account.


This week we have been practicing our subtraction sentences so two activities have been set on the website for the children to practice these skills. Please help your child to login and ensure you can access the website.


15 minutes

This week we have been working on subtraction sentences.


In English we have been looking at nouns and verbs.

We focus on nouns being either a person, place or thing.

For verbs, we focus on doing words.


On Classroom Secrets Kids there is an activity set for your child to practice finding nouns and verbs. Please assist your child to read the words if they need help.


Watch these video for a recap:


Up to 10 mins

This week we have been looking at verbs and nouns.


Super Sentence:

This week, try to write at least one super sentence in your Home Learning book. To be super, it has to start with a capital letter, include finger spaces, and end with a full stop. Remember to say your whole sentence several times before you try to write it.


This week please draw, then write a sentence about what you can see out of your window.


10 mins

Being able to orally rehearse and write our own sentences is a key building block of Year 1 writing.


In Geography we are currently exploring the weather across the United Kingdom. Part of this is learning which 4 countries make up the United Kingdom.

See if you can watch the video to help remind you of the names of the countries.

If you want a challenge, can you do any of the quizzes further down the page?


10 mins


Naming the 4 countries of the UK and their capital cities is part of the KS1 Geography curriculum.

Date set: Friday 12th November

Date due: Friday 19th November












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Have a play with fruit splat addition! Remember to put the first number in your head, and then count on with your fingers (up to 10). Practise your addition skills on level 1 as this includes numbers up to 10. Level 2 uses addition with numbers over 10 if you would like a challenge or you could see how fast you answer the questions against the timer. Can you improve on your score each time?


10 minutes

This week we have been working on addition sentences.


Next week is Anti-Bullying Week in school and we will be focussing on kindness. In preparation, I would love the children to think about kindness and what kindness is. How do we show other people kindness? How has someone shown us kindness in the past? This can be either in school or at home.


It would be lovely if the children could draw a picture of someone being kind to them or of them showing kindness to someone else so we can talk about these in school next week.


Up to 20 mins

Next week we will be focussing on kindness for Anti-Bullying Week.


In geography, we have started to look at the weather and how the weather changes during the different seasons. The children have all brought home a weather record activity sheet to complete. They need to observe the weather at different times of the day and draw a picture to represent the weather at that time in the corresponding box. We will then use these records in our future geography lessons.


Approx. 5 mins a day

In geography we are looking at the weather.

Date set: Friday 5th November

Date due: Friday 12th November











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Play the ‘Maths Lines’ game; select the number 10, start and fire the balls that make a number bond to 10. Try different numbers after that if you would like a challenge!


Please note this website only works subscription free via a desktop/laptop computer. If accessing via a tablet/mobile then it will ask for you to sign up; please do not pay for the subscription.

If desktop/laptop access is not possible please do not worry, children can access the ‘hit the button’ website where they can also practise number bonds to 10.

Either game is perfect for the children to practise these skills.


5 Minutes

Fluently recalling, and using number bonds is one of the foundations of Year 1 Maths.


Play the ‘Using number words’ game (10 questions is more than enough, again please do not subscribe):

5 Minutes




Being able to read number words will improve the children’s ability to read their Maths questions independently.


Look at the Monkey See, Monkey Do class story map. How much of the story can you remember? Can you tell your grown-up the story? Don’t forget to use the actions that go along with our story map.

10 Minutes

This week we’ve been learning the story of Monkey See, Monkey Do as part of ‘Talk For Writing’. We’ve learnt special actions for key words to help us to remember the story. Next week we are going to perform the story in groups to the class.


Go on an autumn walk – why do you think it is autumn? What signs can you see that tell you we are now in autumn?

If you can, take a bag and collect some things that remind you of autumn; conkers, leaves etc. and bring them into school for us to look at.

30 Minutes

We will soon be starting to look at the seasons in more detail and identifying signs of each season.

Friday 22nd October 2021

Half Term Whole School Challenge!


As part of our topic launch for autumn 2, you are challenged to conduct a science experiment at home, or to take a photograph of something science related. 

Please send either a video (up to 3 minutes long) or photograph(s) to your class teacher. 

Please make sure you send your videos and photographs via your school email address by 9am on Monday 1st November.

We can’t wait to see all your amazing efforts!


Date set: Friday 15th October

Date due: Tuesday 2nd November











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Can you play this one more or one less game?


Select more than or less than at the top, along with numbers up to 10 (or 20 for a challenge).


10 minutes






We are continually practicing our one more and one less Maths skills.


Can you write some sentences and draw a picture about what you have been up to in half term week?

15 minutes

We are working really hard at writing super sentences, starting with capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.


Play the back in time exciting explorers game, selecting Neil Armstrong:


What facts can we remember? What new facts can we find out?

15 minutes




We have been learning about Neil Armstrong in history.

Being Independent

Practice taking your coat off carefully in order that the sleeves do not turn inside out. This is tricky when you come to put your coat on again and so takes time away from playtime.

Can you do it independently? Can you pull the sleeves out if your coat is inside out?


When you have mastered this skill can you practice zipping your coat up yourself? Or can you practice putting on your gloves yourself?

5 minutes

We are learning to be more independent and get ourselves ready for outside play.


Play close attention to when it becomes light in the morning, and dark at night across the next few weeks.


Do you notice anything changing?

A few moments every day!

Understanding how day length gets shorter is part of the Year 1 Science curriculum.

Date set: Friday 8th October

Date due: Friday 15th October











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Can you play this game about ordinal numbers?

(Some of the children might need some help with the reading of the questions on this task.)


Can you write your numbers 0-9 the correct way around?

Can you practise writing your ordinal numbers: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th?


5 minutes





5 minutes

This week we have been learning about ordinal numbers and how we use them in everyday life.


We’ve begun to explore capital letters. Play this game to match capital letters to lowercase letters.

5 Minutes





We are learning to use a capital letter to start our sentence.



Watch the video to see how it can go wrong! Think about why it’s important to listen carefully to instructions.

Where might we find instructions around our house?

You could try following instructions this week by following recipes or playing board games at home.


5 minutes

We will be learning about instruction texts next in English. We will need to trap a troll on the loose!


Can you make a musical shaker? You can make your shaker out of anything you like; rice, pasta etc. I would love to see how well you can decorate it!

If you could bring it to school next week that would be fantastic.

15 minutes

Our shakers will help us hear and play along with the pulse of a song in music.

Date set: Friday 1st October

Date due: Friday 8th October











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Can you practise your number bonds to 10?

5 Minutes

We will soon be moving onto addition and subtraction. Understanding our number bonds to 10 will help us when we move up to numbers higher than 10.


Watch The Three Billy Goats Gruff on the Books Alive Series:


Can you tell your grown-up the story in your own words? I would love it if you could put on different voices like in the video!


10 Minutes





We have been reading and learning different versions of our story that we are looking at in English. This is an alternative version we haven’t looked at yet; I hope they enjoy this version.


Neil Armstrong went to the moon in a rocket called the Apollo 11.

Can you build your own rocket? You could make it out of anything you like; lego, blocks, cardboard boxes, yoghurt pots etc.

I would love to see how amazing you can make it!

15 Minutes

We have been learning more about Neil Armstrong this week and we watched a lovely video which included the moon landing; we all thought it was amazing!


Date set: Friday 24th September

Date due: Friday 1st October











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Play ‘Range Arranger’ to order the numbered planks of wood. Set minimum to 0, and maximum to 10.

If you want a challenge, go for a bigger number range!


10 Minutes

This week we have been practising our ordering of numbers.


Watch this song about alligators to help you remember the greater than, less than, and equal signs:


5 Minutes





Next week we will start to talk about the terms greater than, less than and equal to.  .


Can we have a go at working out where the full stops go in this game?

Small Town Superheroes

If you can help your child select punctuation and then full stops, you will be in the right place.


Some children may need help sounding out the words, so adult support maybe needed.

5 Minutes

This week we have been thinking about full stops and where we find them in a sentence.




In your home learning books, can you find out an interesting fact or two about Neil Armstrong and write some sentences about what you have found out? Don’t forget to use a full stop where needed in your sentences.

I would also love to see any pictures you might draw of Neil Armstrong in his Apollo 11 spaceship!

15 Minutes

In history we have started learning about Neil Armstrong.



Date set: Friday 17th September

Date due: Friday 24th September











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Play the ‘Count the Yeti’ game to practise your counting up to 10.



5 Minutes

This week we’ve practised lots of forwards and backwards counting, and have begun to link this to finding more or less of a number.


Play ‘How many bees?’ (one more/one less to 10).


5 Minutes





Next week we will continue to learn how to find one less of a number by counting backwards.


Look at the Billy Goats Gruff class story maps (see below). How much of the story can you remember? Don’t forget to use the actions to help you!



10 Minutes

This week we’ve been learning the story of the Billy Goats Gruff as part of ‘Talk For Writing’. We’ve learnt special actions for key words to help us to remember the story. Next week we are going to perform the story in groups to the class.


Can you earn Duggee’s colour badge by completing his colour mixing quiz?


5 Minutes

This week we have started to learn all about primary and secondary colours and some children have started making colour wheels.

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