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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Autumn 2- Changes around me

Week 7

Maths- This week we have been busy exploring Repeating Patterns. The children have created their own bauble: 

On Monday we all enjoyed a trip to the Theatre to watch 'Crumbles Search for Christmas'. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the performance, as well as the bus journey! 



Friday 15th December- Children to arrive at Church for 9am, wearing Christmas jumpers! 

Week 6

Maths- This week we have been busy wrapping parcels! The children have learnt to identify and name some 3D shapes. We have played pass the parcel to help us learn the name of the shapes, as well as how the shapes look and feel. 

Movie Night! 

We had a great time at Movie Night. We were lucky enough to have a special visitor...

Week 4


This week we have been learning to identify 'one less' than a given number. The children have explored 'one less' by using a ten frame bus. 

For example; "First i had 3 people, then one got off, now i have..?"


Can you tell a one less story? 


We have been reading the stories about 'Percy the Park Keeper' by Nick Butterworth. The children have enjoyed exploring the story tray and have been busy creating their own stories, using the puppets and props provided. 


Role Play

Come and see our new exciting Role Play Area! Following current interests of 'den making', we have decided to create a den making area in our classroom. The children have agreed that only 2 children are allowed in the den at one time and to ensure everyone gets a turn, they must write their names on the whiteboard if they'd like to visit the den. 



Continuing our learning of Autumn, we have started to think about the weather in Autumn. The children have thought about what items of clothing are needed for each season. We have also created a Weather Forecast Station in the Role Play Area. 

Week 3

We have enjoyed reading the story 'Leaf Man' by Lois Ehlert. The children have learnt to retell the story in their own words and have created a story mountain to identify the beginning, the middle and the end. 

The children have designed their own leaf man and have created their own story to go with it. Keep a close eye on Tapestry for these wonderful stories and adventures. 

On Wednesday the children had an Autumn adventure afternoon. Activities included:

  • Leaf printing
  • Conker rolling
  • Leaf threading
  • Creating Leaf hedgehogs
  • Creating a leaf picture
  • Leaf hunt 

Week 2

This week we have started our new topic: Autumn. We started with Circle Time to discuss  prior understanding and knowledge. We then worked in small groups to show and tell our Autumn bags. The children enjoyed showing their Autumn treasures. We then chose a few items from each of our bags to put in our Autumn investigation tray. 

Autumn Walk

Following our discussion, we decided to go on an Autumn walk to see what changes we could see in the environment. When we got onto the field, we go into groups to find all of the Autumn items on the Treasure Hunt list. 

Week 1

Welcome back! I hope you all had an enjoyable half term break. I can't wait to hear all about your adventures! 

Reminder: Autumn bag homework is due back to School on Wednesday 1st November. We will be discussing your Autumn treasures week commencing 6th November. 


This week we have spent time settling back into School routines. 

We started the week by learning about Diwali, the festival of light. The children have enjoyed listening to the story of Rama and Sita and have spent time acting the story out for the class. We have also made Diya lamps and Rangoli patterns. Please come and see our fabulour Diwali creations in the Reflection Area of the classroom. 

We have also learnt about Bonfire Night. The children have learnt about Guy Fawkes and have listened to a simplified version of the story. On Thursday, we had a Bonfire Night afternoon. The whole class spent the afternoon outside creating;

  • A bonfire made out of wooden planks and crates
  • Bonfire night pictures, using glitter
  • Fireworks using glittery paint and black card
  • Fireworks using chalk on different surfaces. 


This week in Maths we have been learning to find one more than a number. We have played games and have learnt a new song to help us identify one more than a number up to 5, then 10. 


We have also learnt to tell a one more story using a ten frame. We have learnt to use three special words to tell the story; FIRST, THEN, NOW. 


For example; first i had 2 sweeties, then 1 more came along and now i have 3. 

Can you tell a 'first, then, now' story to identify one more? 

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