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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Year 4 - Hawthorn

Merrily Round the Maypole

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Have a sneak peak at our maypole dance- it's starting to come together!
Check out our Science page for photos from the RSPB visit!

Thanks to Skye for the brilliant homework presentation- what great coding!

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What an exciting time we all had during Science Week! Who knew 'watching paint dry' could turn out to be so interesting? Check out our Science page for more...

World Book Day 2017- what a fantastic day! Follow the link at the top to see some pictures and find out what we all got up to...

Reading for depth and understanding with Yew class

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Pointillism: A study of Georges Seurat

Computing- We are Toy Designers!


Last week, we created toy designs by hand, including inputs and outputs just like in real toys. This week, we have digitalised our creations using Scratch software. We made several different costumes so that we can command our toy to do certain functions next week. Some of our finished prototypes will be shared on the website, so keep your eyes peeled!

Extreme Environments: Desert Survival.


Newsflash! A second communication from Darwin Trotter has arrived, and he needs our help!

We need to research all about life in the desert (or lack thereof) to see if Darwin and his new pals can survive on the West of the Island.


Keep an eye out on the different sections of our site to see examples of our fantastic work!

This week we had the pleasure of paired reading with the little ones from Yew Class, using our advanced reading skills to guide them and ask them appropriate questions. We were so impressive that Mr Roycroft is going to train us up to do it every week! :) 

laugh Welcome to Hawthorn Class Page 2016/17! laugh


*What a lot of effort the children have put in outside of school this year! Check out our Science page to see some of our hands-on homework creations...*


Don't miss out on some videos and photos from Gangsta Granny day! Follow the link below frown


The children have had an energetic and enthusiastic start to the term already, and are clearly eager to embrace life as a Year 4.


Please visit this page as the year progresses for updates, and to find out a little more about what we have been learning about in class.


Communication, both to celebrate the good things and tackle any problems or concerns, plays a principal role in ensuring the very best education for your child. Parents/guardians, please do not hesitate to contact me on the school number, or via email:


Alternatively, feel free to arrange a meeting- or simply pop in for a brief chat.


Many thanks,

Mr Roycroft

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  • Whole School 94.8%
  • Nursery
  • Foundation 92.9%
  • Year 1 100%
  • Year 2 94.2%
  • Year 3 96.8%
  • Year 4 92.7%
  • Year 5 93.1%
  • Year 6 95.2%
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