We hope you have had a very relaxing and enjoyable summer break. We have had a great first week in Reception. The children have settled in very quickly and so far we’ve had very few tears! The children seem very excited to explore their new environment.
Morning routines
Each child has their own coat peg to hang coats and PE kits on. Children also have their own tray for book bags. Please check book bags regularly for letters and other important information. Please help your child complete the following morning activities:
- Lunchtime choices- Children are encouraged to find their own name and place it in the coloured pot depending on their choice of meal. The weekly menu is displayed on the table. If you would like a paper copy to take home please ask a member of staff.
- Self-registration – Children must find their name and place on the whiteboard.
Following this children are asked to sit on the carpet with a book ready for the register.
After school routines
The door will be opened at 3:30pm and children will be handed over to parents/carers. If somebody else is collecting your child, other that yourself, please inform Miss Leeman on a morning. Mrs Slater will take the children to After School Club if they are staying later.
Our PE lesson will take place on a Thursday morning.
This half term our Topic is ‘Read all about it’. Children will be asked to bring in or talk about their favourite books.
As well as daily communication during pick-up and drop-off time, I will regularly up-date the cloakroom noticeboard with information about teaching and learning in Reception. Please check this regularly for information.
This year we will continue to use Tapestry in Reception. This is an online assessment tool where you can see what you child has been learning at School. You are also encouraged to add entries about your child’s achievements and current interests. Tapestry should be up and running within the next few weeks.
Clothing and Labels
Please ensure all clothes are clearly labelled with your child’s name. As the weather becomes cooler we ask that you send your child to School in a warm coat, along with hats and gloves. We have a few spares but not enough for everyone! Please could all children have a labelled pair of wellies to stay in school for outside play.