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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Feedback from Parent Questionnaire February 2016

On behalf of the Governing Body we would like to share the results of the recent parent questionnaire. We would like to thank you for taking the time to return the forms, they are so important and help us know your views and if you agree that the school is heading in the right direction. The role of the governing body is to challenge and support Barwick School. We appreciate honest feedback We had 42 forms returned.

The headlines………………………

100% agree that their children are happy at school.

100% feel their children are safe at school.

97% feel their children are making good progress.

100% agree that their children are well looked after.

97% agree that their children are well taught.

These are brilliant results and confirm for us that the school is well led and managed.

 There are always ways to improve, tweak and the following are replies to some of the comments.

  • After school clubs. We are reluctant to pressure staff to offer clubs at the expense of planning and marking. We have limited capacity for clubs as classrooms are being cleaned and the Agile Learning Space and the hall are being used for our after school provision. If there is significant parent interest we will investigate ways to provide these.

  • Comments made about pupil progress and where their child is rated on the new national assessment system will probably need a personal explanation during parents evening. Parents should be aware that the rigour of the new curriculum expectations are more challenging than in previous years. The school has to present targets to the Local Authority and justify their trajectory targets to the School Improvement Adviser. The governors Teaching and Learning sub-committee scrutinise attainment and progress challenging the headteacher and senior leaders on the data. In the Autumn Term Standards Visit, Peter Marsh (School Improvement Adviser & Ofsted inspector) stated that our targets for all learners were `aspirational’.

  • Continuity of staffing is another concern that was raised. As governors we are dedicated to recruit and retain the highest quality staff. We endeavour to minimise any disruption and change of staffing but sometimes it is inevitable. When considering staffing issues, our first consideration is always the impact on the children.

  • Some comments were made about the type and amount of homework however, comments were also made supporting the homework their child receives. This is an area that we have directed our Teaching and Learning sub-committee governors to look into this and report back at the next full Governing Body meeting

  • Concerns were raised about Barwick school and capacity. As a Local Authority school we must comply with the Leeds City Council admissions policy. We have to admit any pupil who applies to the school unless we are full in that year group. This is an issue governors discussed at our last meeting.

  • Several comments were made about the school’s drive to encourage pupil’s independence and making learning fun – we intend to keep it that way!

  • Pastoral support is highly valued and we are hoping to extend that support with the creation of a further a higher level teaching assistant post to work with Mrs Roberts. We are proud of our teaching assistant team, all of whom have undergone professional development and training to provide teachers and children with appropriate levels of support.

  • Praise was also given for involving parents in the many new initiatives and changes initiated by central government. You like to be involved and having the changes explained.

  • Many comments were made in appreciation of the high standard of communication between home and school, especially the newsletters.

In conclusion, we have work to do and areas to look at but overall you are happy with Barwick School and we will ‘keep up the good work’.

Yours sincerely,

Ruth Davies (Chair of Governors), Louisa Booth and Emma T

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