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Barwick Sports Personality of the Year 2015

Congratulations to Curtis Mewse who won our Sports Personality of the Year Award.

Each class nominated two pupils who have excelled or impressed their peers with their sporting achievement.


Oak Class

Heidi Wright 'for cheering everyone on during sports days and because she loves skipping'

Oscar Barber 'who loves football ~ he represents a team outside school'

Joesph T de V 'who tried really hard on sports days ~ he won two running races!'

Olivia Harris 'she always cheers other on and is very good at gymnastics'

Curtis Mewse 'he swam the equivalent of the English Channel to raise money for St Gemma's Hospice. He even appeared on the Paul O'Grady Show when Paul heard about his swimming challenge'

Edward Jackson 'he is a great footballer, he plays midfield and scores lots of goals for his team'

Riley Burns ' he tries his best in every sport, he is an excellent cricketer and plays for Barwick Cricket Club'

Sam Thomas ' he is a great sportsman who encourages others'

Edward Heffernan ' he has achieved his black belt after studying Taekwondo'

Ciara Banks ' she always has a go at every sport, she tries her best in every sport, she is an amazing gymnast'

Harrison Phillis ' he has made a fantastic contribution to the school football team, he also competes nationally in BMX biking competitions'

Allix McGrath ' for being determined and always encouraging others, he motivated everyone during sports day, before and during their races'

Cameron Scott ' he always tries his best in PE, he is enthusiastic to try new sports, his archery skills on the residential were impressive!'

Mille Heffernan ' she has a great tennis technique and is an excellent runner!'




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