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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Ash Wednesday

This morning it was wonderful to welcome Rev Bob in to school to lead our Ash Wednesday Worship.  Rev Bob explained the significance of Ash Wednesday and told us about how Jesus spent time in the desert thinking deeply about his life and preparing for the events that were about to happen to him. We all thought about how we are going to reflect in Lent.

Mrs Nicholson introduced 40acts - our whole school Lent generosity challenge of 40 days, 40 reflections, 40 challenges to make a difference. 

Find out more about 40acts visit or ask a one of our children!

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  • Foundation 92.9%
  • Year 1 100%
  • Year 2 94.2%
  • Year 3 96.8%
  • Year 4 92.7%
  • Year 5 93.1%
  • Year 6 95.2%
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